Industry 5.0: Blending Human Ingenuity with Advanced Technology

In the rapidly evolving landscape of industrial development, Industry 5.0 emerges as the next monumental phase, heralding a significant shift from the focus of Industry 4.0 on automation and data exchange. Industry 5.0 ushers in a new era that synergizes the strengths of humans and machines, emphasizing sustainability, customization, and collaboration. This transition not only represents a technological leap but also a reimagining of the role of human creativity and ethics in the industrial process.

industry 5.0 human technology ifs cloud

What Sets Industry 5.0 Apart from Industry 4.0?

While Industry 4.0 was characterized by the rise of smart technologies and the Internet of Things (IoT), leading to unprecedented levels of automation and efficiency, Industry 5.0 takes a step further. It integrates the cognitive intelligence and creativity of humans with the technical precision of machines. This integration focuses on personalization, environmental sustainability, and ethical considerations, aiming to create more value for society as a whole.

Industry 5.0 does not discard the advancements of Industry 4.0 but builds upon them, adding a layer of human insight and ethical judgment to technological processes. It champions collaborative robots (cobots), AI designed to work alongside humans, enhancing their capabilities rather than replacing them. The goal is to craft products and services that are not only technologically advanced but also deeply humane and sustainable.

The Role of Enterprise Software in Industry 5.0

Enterprise software is at the heart of facilitating the Industry 5.0 revolution. As businesses strive to align with the principles of Industry 5.0, the demand for flexible, comprehensive, and sustainable enterprise solutions has never been greater. These solutions must not only manage complex data and automate processes but also enable human-machine collaboration, foster innovation, and drive sustainable practices.

IFS Cloud stands out as an ideal solution in this new industrial era. With its ability to seamlessly integrate advanced technologies like AI, machine learning, and IoT with human insights and creativity, IFS Cloud is perfectly positioned to support the goals of Industry 5.0. It offers a unified platform that embraces the complexity of modern enterprises while promoting sustainability, personalization, and efficiency.

IFS Cloud: A Catalyst for Industry 5.0

IFS Cloud embodies the spirit of Industry 5.0 by offering:

Collaborative Tools: Facilitating human-machine collaboration through intuitive interfaces and tools that amplify human expertise.
Sustainability Focus: Providing features and insights that help businesses minimize their environmental impact and promote sustainable practices across their operations.
Customization and Flexibility: Enabling businesses to tailor their operations and products to meet the unique demands of their customers, ensuring high levels of personalization and customer satisfaction.
Integrated Insights: Leveraging the power of AI and analytics to provide actionable insights, enhancing decision-making processes, and fostering innovation.
By integrating these capabilities, IFS Cloud ensures that enterprises are not just equipped to navigate the challenges of Industry 5.0 but are also pioneers in creating a more sustainable, humane, and innovative future.

Industry 5.0 marks a pivotal shift towards a more human-centric approach to industrialization, where technology serves to enhance human capabilities and address ethical and sustainability concerns. In this new era, enterprise solutions like IFS Cloud are invaluable, providing the tools and capabilities necessary to bridge the gap between human creativity and machine efficiency. As businesses worldwide adapt to the principles of Industry 5.0, embracing solutions like IFS Cloud will be crucial in navigating the transition effectively, ensuring that they remain competitive, innovative, and sustainable in the years to come.


With over 20 years of professional expertise in the IT software industry, including an impressive 19-year tenure in a managerial position at IFS Turkey, Göksel Sanbay brings a wealth of experience to the table. Throughout his career, he has successfully managed dozens of hands-on ERP, EAM, and ESM projects, leaving a trail of satisfied clients and successful implementations.

Notably, he has also excelled as a solution architect, leaving his mark on various reference IFS projects. His passion for innovation and driving efficiency has led him to embark on a new journey. In July 2022, he founded GUMA Business Solutions, a dynamic consulting company exclusively dedicated to crafting cutting-edge business software solutions, with a specialization in IFS Applications.

At GUMA, we thrive on challenges and aspire to take businesses to new heights through tailor-made software solutions that streamline operations, boost productivity, and empower growth

Streamlining Global Procurement with IFS: A Comprehensive Solution for Multinational Corporations and Large Organizations

In the intricate web of global commerce, multinational corporations and large organizations face a myriad of challenges in managing their procurement processes efficiently. The need for a streamlined, integrated approach to procurement has never been more pressing. Enter IFS Procurement Solution, a robust, comprehensive platform designed to tackle the complexities of modern procurement, delivering strategic advantages to global enterprises.

ifs cloud procurement

Centralization and Efficiency

The core of the IFS Procurement Solution lies in its ability to centralize procurement activities. This centralization is not just a matter of convenience; it’s a strategic tool that enables organizations to leverage global purchasing power, standardize procurement processes, and achieve significant cost savings. The solution’s robust features, including requisition, order approval definitions, and centralized procurement possibilities, empower organizations to create a cohesive procurement strategy that aligns with their global operations.

Enhanced Supplier Collaboration and Integration in IFS

At the heart of any procurement strategy lies the relationship between the organization and its suppliers. IFS Procurement Solution enhances this relationship through advanced supplier agreements, incoming dispatch advice, supplier scheduling, and EDI integration. Moreover, its B2B capabilities facilitate seamless communication and collaboration with suppliers, ensuring timely and efficient procurement operations.

The solution’s integration capabilities extend beyond supplier collaboration. It is fully integrated with other critical business modules, such as finance, planning, project management, inventory management, and quality management. This integration ensures that procurement decisions are made with a comprehensive understanding of their financial and operational impact, fostering cross-functional collaboration and strategic alignment.

Strategic Procurement Tools for Decision Making in IFS

Beyond its operational capabilities, the IFS Procurement Solution offers strategic tools for decision-making. Features such as supplier evaluation and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) allow organizations to monitor and assess the performance of their suppliers continuously. These tools are crucial for maintaining high standards of quality and performance, ensuring that suppliers align with the organization’s strategic objectives and values.

For procurement specialists and managers, the solution provides powerful dashboards known as Lobbies. These dashboards offer real-time insights into procurement metrics and KPIs, enabling decision-makers to monitor trends, evaluate performance, and make informed decisions swiftly. This level of insight is invaluable for ensuring that procurement activities contribute to the organization’s overall strategic goals.

The Competitive Edge

The IFS Procurement Solution offers a comprehensive, integrated approach to managing procurement for multinational corporations and large organizations. Its extensive features set, coupled with the capability to streamline and centralize procurement activities, provides a competitive edge in the global marketplace. Organizations can achieve significant efficiencies, cost savings, and improved operational performance by facilitating enhanced supplier management and providing integration with key business functions.

Moreover, the advanced analytics and decision-support capabilities empower procurement professionals to act more strategically. The IFS Procurement Solution transforms the procurement function from a cost center to a strategic contributor, adding value beyond mere cost management.

In summary, the IFS Procurement Solution represents a pivotal shift in how multinational corporations and large organizations approach procurement. By offering a blend of operational excellence, strategic insight, and comprehensive integration, it sets a new standard for procurement efficiency, effectiveness, and strategic contribution in the global business landscape.


With over 20 years of professional expertise in the IT software industry, including an impressive 19-year tenure in a managerial position at IFS Turkey, Göksel Sanbay brings a wealth of experience to the table. Throughout his career, he has successfully managed dozens of hands-on ERP, EAM, and ESM projects, leaving a trail of satisfied clients and successful implementations.

Notably, he has also excelled as a solution architect, leaving his mark on various reference IFS projects. His passion for innovation and driving efficiency has led him to embark on a new journey. In July 2022, he founded GUMA Business Solutions, a dynamic consulting company exclusively dedicated to crafting cutting-edge business software solutions, with a specialization in IFS Applications.

At GUMA, we thrive on challenges and aspire to take businesses to new heights through tailor-made software solutions that streamline operations, boost productivity, and empower growth

Global HR Management Unveiled: Navigating Challenges and Harnessing Solutions with IFS Cloud HCM

Challenges Facing Global and Multi-Entity Organizations

IFS HR HCM ifs cloud

Regulatory Compliance and Legal Variances: The intricate landscape of laws and regulations worldwide means organizations must continuously adapt to comply with varying legal requirements. This includes understanding and implementing different employment laws, tax codes, and data protection regulations, which can significantly differ even within regions of the same country.

Cultural and Language Barriers: Operating in a global environment requires a deep understanding of cultural nuances and language differences. Misinterpretations or misunderstandings can lead to conflicts, reduced employee satisfaction, or ineffective team collaboration. Overcoming these barriers is essential for fostering a unified organizational culture that values diversity and inclusion.

Unified HR Management: Developing HR policies that reflect the organization’s global vision while respecting local practices is a balancing act. Policies must be flexible enough to accommodate local needs without compromising the core values and objectives of the global organization.

Talent Management Across Borders: The global talent pool is vast, yet the competition for skilled professionals is intense. Organizations need to not only attract but also retain and develop this talent by understanding and catering to the varied expectations and career aspirations of employees in different regions.

Operational Efficiency and Communication: Maintaining operational efficiency across different time zones and ensuring effective communication among geographically dispersed teams are critical. This includes synchronizing work hours, leveraging technology for seamless communication, and ensuring all employees feel connected and engaged with the wider organization.

Data Management and Security: With stringent data protection laws like GDPR in Europe, organizations must ensure the security and compliance of employee data across all jurisdictions. This challenge is amplified in a global context where data crosses borders virtually.

Adaptability to Change: Global markets are volatile, and organizations must remain agile to survive and thrive. This means being able to quickly adapt to market changes, geopolitical events, and evolving business strategies, requiring a flexible and responsive HR management system.

IFS Cloud HCM Solutions

To navigate these challenges, IFS Cloud HCM offers a suite of solutions tailored for the global, multi-entity organization:

Headcount Planning and Employee & Organization Management: This feature allows for strategic workforce planning and management, ensuring that teams are aligned with business objectives. It simplifies complex administrative tasks, facilitating a strategic approach to global HR management.

Self Service for Employees and Managers: IFS Cloud HCM empowers employees and managers with direct access to crucial information and self-service capabilities. This autonomy enhances transparency and streamlines HR processes, allowing for more efficient management of personal and team-related tasks.

Recruitment and Onboarding: A comprehensive support system for the entire recruitment lifecycle, from posting jobs to selecting candidates, ensures that new hires are seamlessly integrated. The onboarding experience is enhanced, making it easier for new employees to acclimate and become productive members of the team.

Competencies and Qualifications Management: By enabling organizations to track and manage the skills and qualifications of their workforce, IFS Cloud HCM ensures that development aligns with both current needs and future growth. This strategic approach aids in closing skill gaps and planning for succession.

Time & Attendance and Expense Management: Advanced tracking and management tools for time and expenses reduce administrative burdens and improve operational efficiency. This feature ensures accurate management of work hours and reimbursement processes, streamlining administrative tasks.

Employee Development, Training Management, and Health & Safety: IFS Cloud HCM fosters a culture of continuous learning and adherence to health and safety standards. Organizations can plan, execute, and monitor training activities while ensuring compliance with workplace safety regulations.

Advanced Analytics and AI: The integration of AI and advanced analytics across HCM capabilities provides organizations with deep insights into their workforce, enhancing decision-making and predicting future trends. This feature enables proactive management of the workforce, improving overall productivity and business outcomes.

Flexibility and Business Transformation: With functionalities that simplify application deployment, IFS Cloud HCM supports rapid adaptation to new business opportunities. Its industry-specific capabilities allow for a tailored approach to managing global workforce challenges.

Connected Shopfloor and Real-time Intelligence: The introduction of APIs for connecting factory machinery to IFS Cloud provides real-time insights into manufacturing processes. This connectivity is crucial for enhancing productivity and operational efficiency on the global stage.

Facing the complexities of global expansion and multi-entity management, organizations find a robust ally in IFS Cloud HCM. This comprehensive suite addresses the myriad challenges of global HR management, offering solutions that range from regulatory compliance to enhancing employee engagement and operational efficiency. Through its advanced features and flexible architecture, IFS Cloud HCM equips organizations to effectively leverage their global workforce, fostering innovation and driving success in an interconnected world.


Oznur Tekinler is a seasoned marketing manager with an impressive track record of driving substantial results in the software sector. She possesses a unique blend of skills that combine a deep understanding of strategic marketing principles with a knack for leveraging cutting-edge technology to craft impactful marketing campaigns. Her expertise spans developing and executing comprehensive marketing plans that significantly enhance brand visibility, stimulate lead generation, and amplify revenue growth. Oznur’s passion for melding technology with marketing strategies has consistently led to innovative campaigns that resonate with audiences and exceed business objectives.

Beyond her marketing prowess, Oznur is also highly knowledgeable and experienced in Human Capital Management (HCM), both in theoretical foundations and practical applications. This dual expertise makes her an invaluable asset in the software industry, particularly in environments where understanding the intersection of technology and human resource management is crucial for success. Her ability to navigate the complexities of HCM systems and apply this knowledge to marketing strategies for software solutions targeting this domain demonstrates a rare blend of skills that contribute to her distinct professional profile.

Currently seeking new avenues to apply her extensive experience, Oznur is eager to embrace the next challenge where she can contribute to growth and innovation in the software industry. Her dedication to excellence, combined with her comprehensive skill set in marketing and HCM, positions her as a dynamic leader ready to propel organizations to new heights.

Navigating the Future: World Carbon and Eco-Footprint Regulations and Overcome Corporate Challenges with IFS Cloud

IFS Cloud Eco Carboon Footprint Solution

As the world intensifies its fight against climate change, businesses across the globe are facing an evolving landscape of carbon and eco-footprint regulations. These measures aim to mitigate environmental impacts and steer economies towards sustainable growth. This shift presents both challenges and opportunities for companies. Understanding these dynamics, IFS, a global enterprise software leader, offers robust solutions through its IFS Cloud platform, designed to help businesses navigate these complexities and turn sustainability into a competitive advantage.

Global Carbon and Eco-Footprint Regulations

Governments worldwide are enacting stricter regulations to combat climate change, focusing on reducing carbon emissions and promoting sustainable practices. Key initiatives include:

The Emerging Regulatory Landscape

International Agreements: The Paris Agreement, with its goal to limit global warming, mandates countries to set ambitious carbon reduction targets.
Carbon Pricing Mechanisms: Cap-and-trade systems and carbon taxes are being implemented to incentivize companies to lower their emissions.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): These UN goals encourage businesses to adopt sustainable practices, aiming for responsible consumption and production.
Circular Economy Regulations: Aimed at minimizing waste and making the most of resources, these regulations affect how products are designed, used, and recycled.

Future Challenges for Companies

As these regulations become more stringent, companies will face several challenges:

Compliance: Keeping up with diverse and evolving regulations requires significant effort and resources.
Operational Costs: Transitioning to greener practices might involve initial increases in operational costs.
Supply Chain Sustainability: Ensuring the sustainability of supply chains becomes critical as regulations increasingly hold companies accountable for their entire value chain.
Reporting and Transparency: There is a growing demand for transparent reporting on environmental impact, requiring robust data collection and analysis systems.

About IFS
IFS is a global enterprise software company that equips businesses with agile, industry-specific solutions. The company’s software suite, including ERP, EAM, and FSM solutions, is designed to empower businesses in various sectors to respond rapidly to market changes and enhance their efficiency and productivity. With a strong focus on innovation and customer success, IFS commits to delivering value through practical solutions that address the complex challenges businesses face today.

IFS Cloud
IFS Cloud represents the pinnacle of IFS’s commitment to innovation, offering a comprehensive and integrated platform that supports ERP, EAM, FSM, HCM, and CRM functionalities. It’s tailored to meet the specific needs of industries, ensuring seamless operations and enabling businesses to be more responsive, efficient, and sustainable. The platform’s flexibility allows for deployment in the cloud, on-premises, or through a hybrid approach, accommodating diverse business requirements.

What IFS Cloud Offers for Eco-Footprint Challenges

Streamlined Compliance
IFS Cloud simplifies compliance with global eco-footprint regulations by providing tools for tracking, managing, and reporting environmental data. This helps businesses stay ahead of regulatory requirements with less effort.

Operational Efficiency
By optimizing resource use and reducing waste, IFS Cloud helps lower operational costs and improves sustainability. Its advanced analytics capabilities enable businesses to make informed decisions that enhance both environmental and economic outcomes.

Supply Chain Sustainability
IFS Cloud supports the sustainable management of supply chains, offering visibility and control over environmental impacts across the value chain. This ensures that companies can meet regulatory demands for supply chain accountability.

Enhanced Reporting and Transparency
The platform facilitates transparent reporting on sustainability efforts, allowing businesses to communicate their environmental performance to stakeholders effectively. This transparency is increasingly important for customer trust and market differentiation.


With over 20 years of professional expertise in the IT software industry, including an impressive 19-year tenure in a managerial position at IFS Turkey, Göksel Sanbay brings a wealth of experience to the table. Throughout his career, he has successfully managed dozens of hands-on ERP, EAM, and ESM projects, leaving a trail of satisfied clients and successful implementations.

Notably, he has also excelled as a solution architect, leaving his mark on various reference IFS projects. His passion for innovation and driving efficiency has led him to embark on a new journey. In July 2022, he founded GUMA Business Solutions, a dynamic consulting company exclusively dedicated to crafting cutting-edge business software solutions, with a specialization in IFS Applications.

At GUMA, we thrive on challenges and aspire to take businesses to new heights through tailor-made software solutions that streamline operations, boost productivity, and empower growth

IFS SPC Statistical Process Control Quallity Management

Conquer Quality: How IFS and SPC Drive Operational Excellence

Imagine a world where flawless products roll off your production line, customer satisfaction soars, and costly defects become a distant memory. This isn’t a utopian dream, but the tangible reality achieved by businesses that embrace Statistical Process Control (SPC). And with IFS, implementing SPC becomes a powerful tool for continuous improvement and operational excellence.

What is SPC and Why Does it Matter?
SPC is a data-driven methodology that analyzes key metrics to monitor and optimize your processes. Think of it as a proactive shield against defects, identifying potential issues before they materialize. By utilizing specialized charts like Xbar & R, Xbar & S, Xbar & MR, np, p, c, and u charts, you gain a crystal-clear picture of process stability and potential deviations. This empowers you to intervene early and decisively, preventing defects and ensuring consistent quality.

IFS: Your SPC Command Center
IFS doesn’t just offer basic SPC; it provides a robust and feature-rich platform to elevate your quality journey:

• Extensive SPC Chart Library: Choose from a comprehensive library of charts, including Xbar & R, Xbar & S, Xbar & MR, np, p, c, and u charts, each tailored to specific process needs.
• Real-time Visibility: Gain instant insights with live dashboards and alerts, enabling immediate corrective action when deviations occur.
• Deep Dive with Capability Analysis: Utilize Cp and Cpk charts to compare your process capability to customer requirements, ensuring consistent quality that meets their expectations.
• Seamless Data Integration: Leverage seamless integration with other IFS modules, like production and quality management, for a holistic view of your operations.

The Impact of IFS and SPC: A Recipe for Success
The benefits of implementing SPC with IFS are far-reaching and impactful:

• Reduced Defects: Identify and address potential issues early on, minimizing costly rework and scrap. Imagine the savings!
• Unwavering Quality: Deliver consistently high-quality products and services, exceeding customer expectations and building trust.
• Enhanced Efficiency: Streamline operations by eliminating unnecessary waste and downtime, leading to increased productivity.
• Competitive Advantage: Stand out from the competition with proven quality processes and a reputation for excellence.
• Data-Driven Decisions: Make informed choices based on real-time insights into your operations, empowering proactive improvement.

Beyond Charts: The IFS Advantage
IFS goes beyond the charts to provide a comprehensive SPC solution:

• Industry Expertise: Benefit from IFS’s deep understanding of diverse industries and their unique quality challenges.
• Scalability and Flexibility: Adapt the SPC solution to your specific needs, whether you’re a small startup or a large enterprise.
• Mobile Accessibility: Access and analyze data on the go with IFS’s mobile apps, ensuring real-time visibility wherever you are.
• Continuous Improvement: Leverage IFS’s commitment to innovation and ongoing development to stay ahead of the curve in quality management.

Ready to Embark on Your Quality Journey?
Implementing SPC with IFS is your gateway to operational excellence. By proactively managing your processes, you can achieve superior quality, boost efficiency, and build lasting customer relationships. Contact us today to discuss how IFS and SPC can transform your business and propel you towards unwavering quality and success.


Fatih Yildirim is a seasoned IFS consultant with a results-oriented approach and a wealth of industry experience. Currently serving as a Senior Manager IFS Consultant at GUMA Business Solutions, Fatih brings a solid foundation in supply chain management, ERP system implementations, and comprehensive analytical skills to his role.

In his current capacity, Fatih plays a pivotal role in analyzing supply chain structures, understanding client business needs, and designing customized solutions for ERP system implementations. His expertise and leadership have contributed to the successful optimization of business processes and the delivery of seamless integration solutions for clients.

With a track record of successful client engagements and project deliveries, Fatih excels in driving excellence in every aspect of IFS consulting, from client interactions to team development. Fluent in English with business proficiency, he effectively bridges communication gaps and fosters collaborative relationships with clients and team members alike.

Fatih Yildirim’s commitment to delivering tangible results and his dedication to continuous learning and development make him a valuable asset in the realm of IFS consulting, poised to drive impactful outcomes and deliver unparalleled value to clients at GUMA Business Solutions.

Make To Order IFS Cloud

Navigating Industrial Trends: Meeting Varied Customer Demands with IFS Solutions

In the dynamic landscape of industrial manufacturing, a significant shift has been underway in recent years, marked by an evolution from standard customer requirements to increasingly demanding options and variety. This transformative trend has posed both challenges and opportunities for businesses across sectors, requiring innovative solutions to effectively manage diverse customer needs.

Over the past two decades, industries have witnessed a notable transition wherein customers are no longer satisfied with standardized products or services. Instead, they seek personalized solutions tailored to their specific preferences and requirements. This shift towards greater variety and customization has presented a considerable challenge for manufacturers, particularly those operating in project-based and make-to-order environments.

In project industries, such as construction, engineering, and infrastructure development, the concept of variety takes on a unique dimension. Each project is inherently distinct, with its own set of specifications, timelines, and challenges. For manufacturers serving these sectors, delivering customized solutions for every project presents a complex undertaking, requiring meticulous planning, resource allocation, and project management capabilities.

Similarly, in make-to-order industries encompassing sectors like automotive, furniture, and apparel, catering to diverse customer preferences means offering a vast array of product variations and configurations. With customers expecting a level of personalization that extends beyond color and size choices, manufacturers are tasked with providing thousands of possible combinations to meet individual needs effectively.

Amidst these challenges, organizations are turning to advanced Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions to streamline operations, enhance efficiency, and meet evolving customer demands. In particular, IFS solutions tailored for project industries and make-to-order environments are proving instrumental in addressing the complexities associated with managing variety and customization effectively.

For project industries, IFS offers comprehensive project management capabilities, allowing organizations to plan, execute, and monitor projects with precision. By integrating project planning, resource management, and financial tracking functionalities, IFS solutions empower businesses to navigate the intricacies of project-based operations seamlessly. With features such as resource optimization, progress tracking, and real-time analytics, manufacturers can efficiently manage diverse project requirements while ensuring timely delivery and cost-effectiveness.

In make-to-order industries, IFS provides robust configurator tools that enable manufacturers to create and manage vast product catalogs with ease. Through intuitive interfaces and rule-based configuration logic, organizations can facilitate thousands of product variations while ensuring accuracy and consistency across orders. By automating the configuration process and streamlining order fulfillment workflows, IFS solutions help manufacturers accelerate lead times, minimize errors, and enhance customer satisfaction.

Moreover, IFS solutions offer a unified platform that integrates critical business functions, including sales, procurement, production, and inventory management. By centralizing data and processes, organizations gain visibility and control over their entire value chain, enabling seamless collaboration, informed decision-making, and improved resource utilization.

As industrial trends continue to evolve towards greater variety and customization, the role of advanced ERP solutions like IFS becomes increasingly indispensable. By providing tailored solutions for project-based and make-to-order industries, IFS empowers organizations to thrive in a dynamic marketplace, delivering value-driven outcomes while exceeding customer expectations.

In conclusion, the shift towards demanding more options and variety represents a defining trend in industrial manufacturing, posing significant challenges for businesses worldwide. However, with the right technology partners and innovative solutions, organizations can embrace this trend as an opportunity for growth and differentiation. By leveraging IFS solutions tailored for project industries and make-to-order environments, manufacturers can effectively manage complexity, drive operational excellence, and deliver exceptional value to customers in an increasingly diverse and dynamic marketplace.


With over 20 years of professional expertise in the IT software industry, including an impressive 19-year tenure in a managerial position at IFS Turkey, Göksel Sanbay brings a wealth of experience to the table. Throughout his career, he has successfully managed dozens of hands-on ERP, EAM, and ESM projects, leaving a trail of satisfied clients and successful implementations.

Notably, he has also excelled as a solution architect, leaving his mark on various reference IFS projects. His passion for innovation and driving efficiency has led him to embark on a new journey. In July 2022, he founded GUMA Business Solutions, a dynamic consulting company exclusively dedicated to crafting cutting-edge business software solutions, with a specialization in IFS Applications.

At GUMA, we thrive on challenges and aspire to take businesses to new heights through tailor-made software solutions that streamline operations, boost productivity, and empower growth

IFS Eco Footprint Management Carbon Clean Future

Go Green, Grow Strong: Unleash Sustainability with IFS

Go Green, Grow Strong:

Unleash Sustainability with IFS

In the face of a rapidly changing climate and growing consumer demands for eco-friendly products, businesses today face a critical challenge: how to operate sustainably without sacrificing efficiency and profitability. This is where IFS steps in, transforming from your trusted ERP solution into your ultimate Eco-Champion.

Beyond Carbon Footprints: Unveiling the Bigger Picture

While carbon emissions remain a crucial metric, IFS recognizes that true sustainability demands a broader perspective. We go beyond simply measuring carbon footprints and introduce the concept of eco-footprints, encompassing the impact your entire operations have on the environment. This holistic approach allows you to:

Identify hidden environmental costs: Uncover the full spectrum of your ecological impact, from resource extraction and production to transportation and waste management.

Make informed decisions: Gain actionable insights to prioritize sustainability initiatives and optimize resource usage across your supply chain.

Demonstrate genuine commitment: Showcase your comprehensive approach to environmental stewardship, building trust and loyalty with eco-conscious consumers.

Granular Insights, Targeted Action: Dive Deep into Emissions

Imagine having a detailed breakdown of emission rates for every component in your production process. With IFS, that’s your reality. Our multi-level emission reports unveil the specific areas contributing most to your environmental impact, allowing you to:

Pinpoint emission hotspots: Identify processes and materials with the highest emissions, enabling you to focus your sustainability efforts strategically.

Track progress effectively: Monitor the impact of your initiatives and measure the effectiveness of your emission reduction strategies.

Benchmark against competitors: Gain industry-specific insights to understand your relative environmental performance and identify areas for improvement.

Measure Every Impact, Every Step of the Way

IFS empowers you to go beyond emissions by measuring the ecological impact of every material and process you use. We leverage unit factors to quantify the environmental footprint of your operations, providing invaluable insights for:

Sustainable sourcing: Make informed decisions about your suppliers based on their environmental practices and the eco-impact of their materials.

Sustainable production: Optimize your manufacturing processes to minimize waste, resource consumption, and associated environmental impact.

Sustainable waste management: Implement responsible waste disposal strategies and explore opportunities for recycling and resource recovery.

Transparency & Compliance: Empowering Sustainability Leadership

IFS takes transparency and compliance to a new level. We enable you to track the exact substance level and amount in each component you use, including critical information like:

Gain visibility into your greenhouse gas emissions and their sources, allowing you to set clear reduction goals.

RoHS declarations: Ensure compliance with the Restriction of Hazardous Substances directive, safeguarding human health and the environment.

Other substance regulations: Stay ahead of evolving regulations by easily entering your specific requirements and tracking material compliance.

Proactive Identification, Efficient Resolution: Non-Conformance Made Visible

With IFS, you don’t have to wait for regulatory audits to uncover sustainability issues. Our advanced tracking system allows you to proactively identify materials that:

  • Don’t meet your internal sustainability standards.
  • Contain non-compliant substances.
  • Violate specific regulations.

This proactive approach empowers you to:

  • Address sustainability concerns quickly and efficiently.
  • Minimize the risk of non-compliance and associated penalties.
  • Maintain a strong reputation for environmental responsibility.
  • Confidence in Calculations, Clarity in Communication: Emission Value Estimation

IFS equips you with the tools to accurately estimate the emission values across your entire supply chain. This empowers you to:

Set realistic sustainability goals: Translate your environmental aspirations into achievable targets based on accurate data.

Track progress effectively: Monitor your progress towards your emission reduction goals and measure the impact of your initiatives.

Communicate with confidence: Share your sustainability achievements with stakeholders and demonstrate your commitment to environmental responsibility.

Future-Proofing Your Sustainability Journey with IFS

The regulatory landscape surrounding sustainability is constantly evolving. IFS gives you the flexibility to:

Enter your own specific substance regulations: Ensure compliance with future requirements and stay ahead of the curve.

Adapt to changing standards: Easily update your system as new regulations emerge, maintaining compliance without disruption.

Demonstrate continuous improvement: Showcase your commitment to staying at the forefront of sustainable practices.

By choosing IFS, you’re not just choosing an ERP solution, you’re choosing a partner in your journey towards a sustainable future. Let IFS empower you to go green, grow strong, and thrive in a world that demands environmental responsibility.


Fatih Yildirim is a seasoned IFS consultant with a results-oriented approach and a wealth of industry experience. Currently serving as a Senior Manager IFS Consultant at GUMA Business Solutions, Fatih brings a solid foundation in supply chain management, ERP system implementations, and comprehensive analytical skills to his role.

In his current capacity, Fatih plays a pivotal role in analyzing supply chain structures, understanding client business needs, and designing customized solutions for ERP system implementations. His expertise and leadership have contributed to the successful optimization of business processes and the delivery of seamless integration solutions for clients.

With a track record of successful client engagements and project deliveries, Fatih excels in driving excellence in every aspect of IFS consulting, from client interactions to team development. Fluent in English with business proficiency, he effectively bridges communication gaps and fosters collaborative relationships with clients and team members alike.

Fatih Yildirim’s commitment to delivering tangible results and his dedication to continuous learning and development make him a valuable asset in the realm of IFS consulting, poised to drive impactful outcomes and deliver unparalleled value to clients at GUMA Business Solutions.

IFS Estimate Cost Calculation Quotation Management Process

Streamlining Quotation Management: Revolutionizing Cost Estimations with IFS Estimate Management Solution

Streamlining Quotation Management: Revolutionizing Cost Estimations with IFS Estimate Management Solution

In the competitive landscape of manufacturing, where bidding for projects is the norm, precise cost estimations play a pivotal role. While quoting products from existing catalogs might seem straightforward, challenges arise when dealing with entirely new or disparate parts. Enter IFS Estimate Management Solution, a vital component of Quotation Management processes, designed to optimize and refine cost estimations for companies across diverse industries.

Traditionally, companies grappling with disparate parts or entirely new products faced significant hurdles in accurately estimating costs. However, with the integration of IFS Estimate Management Solution into the Quotation Management workflow, businesses can transform their approach to cost estimations, ensuring efficiency, accuracy, and adaptability throughout the bidding process.

IFS Estimate Management Solution offers a comprehensive solution not only for handling configurable parts but also for managing entirely separate components. Whether parts are entirely new or disjointed from existing catalogs, the solution provides the tools necessary to navigate the complexities of cost estimations seamlessly within the BID Management framework.

For products with configurable parts, IFS’s advanced capabilities come into play, allowing companies to confidently quote products with dynamic specifications and configurations. Leveraging the Configure-to-Order (CTO) functionalities of the ERP, businesses can tailor their estimates to accommodate diverse variables, ensuring accuracy and flexibility in their bidding endeavors.

Moreover, even for products comprising entirely separate parts, IFS Estimate Management Solution offers a tailored approach to address the unique challenges involved. With functionalities such as simulated part lists, product structures (Bills of Materials), and routing capabilities, companies can effectively manage cost estimations from start to finish, irrespective of the complexity or novelty of the parts involved.

At the core of IFS Estimate Management Solution is its user-friendly interface, seamlessly integrated into the Quotation Management workflow. Whether initiating estimation requests from within the CRM or independently, users can effortlessly create separate Bills of Materials, incorporating both existing and new parts as necessary. Additionally, the system enables users to trigger purchase quotations for required components and define associated costs, all within the context of the bidding process.

The flexibility of the solution allows for the creation of multiple versions within the same estimation, accommodating varying project quantities and currency rate forecasts. This adaptability ensures that companies can effectively account for fluctuations in market conditions and project requirements, thereby enhancing the accuracy and competitiveness of their bids.

Furthermore, IFS Estimate Management Solution offers a comprehensive suite of tools to manage the entire estimation process within the Quotation Management framework. From initial request to final pricing, the system provides visibility and control every step of the way, empowering companies to optimize their bidding strategies and seize opportunities in the market.

In conclusion, IFS Estimate Management Solution emerges as an indispensable asset in the realm of Quotation Management, empowering companies to navigate the complexities of cost estimations with confidence and precision. Whether dealing with configurable parts or entirely separate components, the solution offers a robust framework to streamline and refine cost estimations, ultimately enhancing competitiveness and driving success in the bidding process.


With over 20 years of professional expertise in the IT software industry, including an impressive 19-year tenure in a managerial position at IFS Turkey, Göksel Sanbay brings a wealth of experience to the table. Throughout his career, he has successfully managed dozens of hands-on ERP, EAM, and ESM projects, leaving a trail of satisfied clients and successful implementations.

Notably, he has also excelled as a solution architect, leaving his mark on various reference IFS projects. His passion for innovation and driving efficiency has led him to embark on a new journey. In July 2022, he founded GUMA Business Solutions, a dynamic consulting company exclusively dedicated to crafting cutting-edge business software solutions, with a specialization in IFS Applications.

At GUMA, we thrive on challenges and aspire to take businesses to new heights through tailor-made software solutions that streamline operations, boost productivity, and empower growth

Navigating the Automotive Excellence Highway: IATF 16949 Certification and the IFS Cloud Advantage

Navigating the Automotive Excellence Highway: IATF 16949 Certification and the IFS Cloud Advantage


In the fast-paced realm of the automotive industry, securing and maintaining IATF 16949 certification stands as an indomitable beacon of a company’s unwavering dedication to quality and operational brilliance. In this relentless pursuit, companies are turning to IFS Cloud, an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, as their strategic ally. In this article, we embark on a comprehensive journey, unraveling the intricate layers of IATF 16949 requirements across various departments and functions, and how IFS Cloud meticulously tailors solutions for a seamless dance with compliance.

Procurement and Inventory Management:

  1. Supplier Quality Management:
    • IATF 16949 Requirement: It’s all about establishing robust supplier quality management processes, and IFS Cloud’s Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) is the linchpin. This feature ensures a meticulous evaluation of suppliers, forging partnerships that not only meet but exceed the exacting standards of IATF 16949.
  2. Real-time Inventory Control:
    • IATF 16949 Requirement: In the dynamic automotive landscape, maintaining a firm grip on inventory is paramount. IFS Cloud’s integration of procurement and inventory management unveils a real-time symphony, providing immediate insights into stock levels and mitigating the ever-present risks of overstock or, perhaps more perilous, stockouts.


  1. Product Lifecycle Management (PLM):
    • IATF 16949 Requirement: The design and engineering realm demand a meticulous approach to change management. IFS Cloud’s PLM tools are not just tools; they are guardians of version control, collaboration, and the efficient handling of changes. They are the unsung heroes behind the scenes, ensuring every modification aligns seamlessly with the exacting requirements of IATF 16949.

Quality Management:

  1. Statistical Process Control (SPC):
    • IATF 16949 Requirement: Statistical Process Control isn’t just a checkbox—it’s a mandate. IFS Cloud integrates the sophistication of SPC tools into the production heartbeat, orchestrating a statistical symphony that ensures not just compliance but a harmonious adherence to the specifications laid out by IATF 16949.
  2. Non-Conformance Management:
    • IATF 16949 Requirement: The non-conformance management ballet demands swift and precise moves. IFS Cloud’s features in this arena are the nimble dancers, identifying and gracefully controlling non-conforming products with a finesse that mirrors the strict requirements of IATF 16949.


  1. Process Control:
    • IATF 16949 Requirement: The rhythm of production is a nuanced dance, and IFS Cloud’s shop floor control functionalities are the choreographers. Real-time monitoring ensures a dynamic, controlled, and finely tuned production process in alignment with the rigorous standards set forth by IATF 16949.
  2. Change Management:
    • IATF 16949 Requirement: Changes in production processes aren’t just shifts; they’re orchestrated movements. IFS Cloud’s change management tools conduct this symphony, documenting and managing changes with a precision that befits the disciplined requirements of IATF 16949.
  3. Production Planning and Scheduling:
    • IATF 16949 Requirement: The orchestration of production plans is akin to a finely tuned composition. IFS Cloud’s production planning modules take center stage, optimizing schedules and harmonizing resource allocations in resonance with the demands of efficient production planning, as emphasized by IATF 16949.


  1. Demand Forecasting:
    • IATF 16949 Requirement: Foreseeing future requirements isn’t a crystal ball act; it’s a calculated performance. IFS Cloud’s demand forecasting tools take on this role, predicting future needs with precision, aligning seamlessly with the strategic planning demands of IATF 16949.

Other Departments:

  1. Finance, HR, and CRM:
    • IATF 16949 Requirement: The symphony of compliance isn’t complete without the harmonious integration across all departments. IFS Cloud fosters this symphony, ensuring a holistic approach to IATF 16949 compliance across diverse organizational functions, from finance to human resources and customer relationship management.


As companies navigate the labyrinth of IATF 16949 certification, IFS Cloud emerges not just as a tool but as the conductor of a symphony of operational excellence. From procurement to planning, engineering to quality management, IFS Cloud doesn’t just meet IATF 16949 requirements—it orchestrates a melody of compliance and operational brilliance, positioning companies as leaders in delivering products of unparalleled quality in the dynamic landscape of the automotive industry.


With over 20 years of professional expertise in the IT software industry, including an impressive 19-year tenure in a managerial position at IFS Turkey, Göksel Sanbay brings a wealth of experience to the table. Throughout his career, he has successfully managed dozens of hands-on ERP, EAM, and ESM projects, leaving a trail of satisfied clients and successful implementations.

Notably, he has also excelled as a solution architect, leaving his mark on various reference IFS projects. His passion for innovation and driving efficiency has led him to embark on a new journey. In July 2022, he founded GUMA Business Solutions, a dynamic consulting company exclusively dedicated to crafting cutting-edge business software solutions, with a specialization in IFS Applications.

At GUMA, we thrive on challenges and aspire to take businesses to new heights through tailor-made software solutions that streamline operations, boost productivity, and empower growth

The Importance of Specialisation in ERP Implementation for the Rubber Industry4

The Importance of Specialization in ERP Implementation for the Rubber Industry


This white paper emphasizes the significance of specialization in implementing IFS Cloud as an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system in the rubber industry. It showcases the expertise of GUMA’s experienced team, which has successfully implemented IFS Cloud ERP in numerous projects within the industry. Specifically, this paper focuses on two recent projects in China and Vietnam that involved the production of sealing products. The rubber industry requires specialized knowledge and experience to effectively utilize the capabilities of IFS Cloud ERP. This paper examines the reasons behind the industry’s demand for specialization, including compliance with industry regulations, criticality of parts, shelf life management, and the need for essential features like Quality Control, Statistical Process Control, MRB (Material Review Board), Traceability, and shop floor reporting within the IFS Cloud ERP system.

1. Introduction

The rubber industry plays a crucial role in advanced industries such as automotive, food, and healthcare. Implementing a specialized ERP system like IFS Cloud is essential for effectively managing operations in this industry. This white paper explores the importance of specialization in IFS Cloud ERP implementation and highlights the expertise of GUMA’s experienced team.

2. GUMA’s Experience in IFS Cloud ERP Implementation

GUMA’s experienced team has a successful track record of implementing IFS Cloud ERP in various rubber industry projects. Their expertise and hands-on experience have enabled them to effectively utilize the features and functionalities of IFS Cloud to drive operational excellence. Notably, GUMA’s team recently completed projects in China and Vietnam, focusing on the production of sealing products.

3. Specific Demands in the Rubber Industry

The rubber industry faces unique challenges and demands that require specialized solutions within the IFS Cloud ERP system. Some specific demands include:

– Compliance with Industry Regulations: The rubber industry serves industries with strict regulations, such as automotive, food, and healthcare. Implementing IFS Cloud ERP allows for seamless compliance with these regulations, ensuring adherence throughout the manufacturing process.

– Criticality of Produced Parts: The parts produced by the rubber industry are critical components used in various sectors. IFS Cloud ERP provides advanced quality control features to ensure that the produced parts meet stringent industry standards and reliability requirements.

– Shelf Life of Rubber Compounds: Rubber compounds have a limited shelf life, which adds complexity to supply chain management and quality control. IFS Cloud ERP offers specialized modules to effectively manage and track the expiration dates of rubber compounds, enabling efficient material planning and utilization.

4. Essential Features in IFS Cloud ERP Implementation

Implementing IFS Cloud ERP in the rubber industry requires specific features and functionalities to address industry-specific challenges. Some essential features include:

– Quality Control: IFS Cloud ERP provides robust quality control functionalities, enabling comprehensive inspection, testing, and compliance management throughout the production process.

– Statistical Process Control: Monitoring and improving production processes is crucial in the rubber industry. IFS Cloud ERP offers advanced statistical process control tools, allowing real-time data analysis and process optimization to enhance overall operational efficiency.

– Material Review Board (MRB): IFS Cloud ERP incorporates an MRB module to manage non-conforming materials effectively. This module facilitates the identification, disposition, and resolution of non-conforming materials, ensuring quality standards are met.

– Traceability: IFS Cloud ERP ensures complete traceability of rubber products through its comprehensive traceability features. This enables regulatory compliance, as well as enhanced supply chain visibility and transparency.

– Shop Floor Reporting: IFS Cloud ERP provides robust shop floor reporting capabilities, allowing real-time monitoring and reporting of production activities. This empowers managers with valuable insights for proactive decision-making and effective resource allocation.

5. Conclusion

Specialization in IFS Cloud ERP implementation is essential for the rubber industry to address unique demands and challenges. GUMA’s experienced team has successfully implemented IFS Cloud ERP in the industry, including recent projects in China and Vietnam. By leveraging the specialized features and functionalities of IFS Cloud ERP, such as compliance management, quality control, statistical process control, MRB, traceability, and shop floor reporting, the rubber industry can enhance operational efficiency, ensure regulatory compliance, and achieve sustainable growth.


With over 20 years of professional expertise in the IT software industry, including an impressive 19-year tenure in a managerial position at IFS Turkey, Göksel Sanbay brings a wealth of experience to the table. Throughout his career, he has successfully managed dozens of hands-on ERP, EAM, and ESM projects, leaving a trail of satisfied clients and successful implementations.

Notably, he has also excelled as a solution architect, leaving his mark on various reference IFS projects. His passion for innovation and driving efficiency has led him to embark on a new journey. In July 2022, he founded GUMA Business Solutions, a dynamic consulting company exclusively dedicated to crafting cutting-edge business software solutions, with a specialization in IFS Applications.

At GUMA, we thrive on challenges and aspire to take businesses to new heights through tailor-made software solutions that streamline operations, boost productivity, and empower growth