Slide Background
Manage your leads and opportunities. Track your business activities from where you are.
IFS CRM native mobile solutions allow your team to enter activities when they are on site. Don’t worry about anything when you are visiting your client.
Outlook email and calendar integrations allow to add activity detail easily to IFS CRM system.
Contact Management
Keep information of people who are working at your prospects and customers.
Business Leads
Define business leads and follow your pipeleline to see how close you are to reach your targets.
All opportunities defined in the system. You will feel full control over the opportunities.
It can be a visit, phone call or an email conversation. IFS CRM allows you to track all communications with activities.
Outlook Integration
Sync you outlook calendar or add CRM activities from your outlook email. MS Outlook IFS Add on is easy to use.
IFS Module Chart

About IFS Applications
IFS Applications is a complete solution that helps you connect to the future for your industry, business and people. With its component-based architecture, you decide which deep industry functionality your business and your people need to excel. Explore the possibilities.