Slide Background
Changes needed on IFS?
Our analyst consultant will analyze the requirement with your team to understand if a standard solution can help. If not,
Design for Technical Requırement

A technical document will be prepared and shared with your team to have a confirmed design.

Development, Tests and Delivery

Our technical team will complete required development for this request. The consultants will make first step tests and then they will do the final acceptance tests with your team.

IFS Development

Customizations and development on backend (business logic) and frontend (page/window)

IFS Integration

Webservices, Restful-API, outgoing calls, incoming calls, sFTP/FTP and other options

IFS Upgrade

IFS version upgrades from version 7.5 – 8 – 9 – 10 to Cloud. Standardization in previous customizations

Mobile Solutions for IFS

Special solutions for your very specific requirements can be developed by out team

Where Powerful Tools Meet Experienced Hands