Enhancing Automotive Supply Chains with IFS Cloud’s Integrated Customer & Supplier Scheduling Solutions

In the highly competitive automotive industry, the synchronization of supply chain activities with customer demands is crucial. IFS Cloud’s “Customer Schedule” and “Supplier Schedule” modules are specifically designed to cater to these needs, offering advanced functionalities that integrate deeply within automotive manufacturers’ operations.

customer schedule supplier schedule EDI ifs cloud automotive

Advanced Features of IFS Cloud’s Customer and Supplier Schedule Modules

1. Integration with Electronic Data Interchange (EDI): IFS Cloud provides robust EDI integration capabilities, essential for the automotive industry where transactions are frequently processed electronically. This integration facilitates seamless communication between manufacturers, suppliers, and customers, enabling the efficient exchange of documents like purchase orders, invoices, and shipping notices.

2. Utilization of Forecast and Firm Orders: In the automotive sector, the ability to plan based on both forecasted and firm orders allows companies to optimize their operations. Forecast orders help anticipate future demands for resource planning, while firm orders activate actual production activities. This dual approach ensures that manufacturers can adjust their processes in real-time, improving responsiveness to market changes.

3. Native Integration with IFS Master Production Schedule (MPS): The “Customer Schedule” module is directly integrated with IFS’s MPS. This ensures that customer demands directly influence production planning, enabling the MPS to generate detailed production schedules that align closely with market requirements and customer expectations.

4. Collaboration with Agreement Modules: Both the “Customer Schedule” and “Supplier Schedule” modules work directly with IFS’s agreement modules. This integration offers tolerance controls, which are crucial for managing the differences between forecasted and actual figures. These controls ensure that any deviations between forecasts and real data remain within the predefined agreement rules, enhancing compliance and reducing discrepancies.

Benefits for the Automotive Industry

  • Enhanced Operational Efficiency: With EDI capabilities, automotive companies can reduce manual data entry errors and accelerate transaction processing times. This efficiency not only saves time but also cuts costs related to delays and corrections.
  • Improved Supply Chain Coordination: Using forecast and firm orders enables manufacturers to avoid overstocking and understocking. This balance is vital for preventing production stoppages due to shortages and reducing costs associated with excess inventory.
  • Seamless Production Planning: The direct link between the scheduling modules and the MPS ensures that production plans are always in sync with current customer demands. This synchronization helps minimize lead times and enhance the agility of manufacturing processes.
  • Regulatory Compliance and Agreement Adherence: The tolerance controls facilitated by the integration with agreement modules ensure that operations stay within contractual and regulatory boundaries, crucial for maintaining business integrity and customer trust.

By leveraging the integrated scheduling capabilities of IFS Cloud, automotive manufacturers can enhance their supply chain visibility and responsiveness, ensuring they remain competitive in a rapidly evolving industry. This strategic approach not only supports operational excellence but also drives customer satisfaction by reliably meeting delivery schedules and quickly adapting to changes in customer demand.


With over 20 years of professional expertise in the IT software industry, including an impressive 19-year tenure in a managerial position at IFS Turkey, Göksel Sanbay brings a wealth of experience to the table. Throughout his career, he has successfully managed dozens of hands-on ERP, EAM, and ESM projects, leaving a trail of satisfied clients and successful implementations.

Notably, he has also excelled as a solution architect, leaving his mark on various reference IFS projects. His passion for innovation and driving efficiency has led him to embark on a new journey. In July 2022, he founded GUMA Business Solutions, a dynamic consulting company exclusively dedicated to crafting cutting-edge business software solutions, with a specialization in IFS Applications.

At GUMA, we thrive on challenges and aspire to take businesses to new heights through tailor-made software solutions that streamline operations, boost productivity, and empower growth


The Evolution of Material Requirements Planning: Embracing DDMRP for Agile Manufacturing

Material Requirements Planning (MRP) has long been a fundamental component in manufacturing and production planning. Traditionally, MRP systems calculate the quantities and schedule of raw material purchases, providing a structured approach to streamline manufacturing processes.


The Rise of Demand Driven MRP (DDMRP)

Transitioning from traditional systems reliant on forecast-driven planning, Demand Driven MRP (DDMRP) represents a significant evolution. DDMRP integrates principles from both traditional MRP and Lean manufacturing to enhance responsiveness to market demands. It focuses on strategically placed inventory buffers within the supply chain to manage variability and enhance efficiency, moving away from speculative forecasting towards real consumption data.

Key Components and Functionality of DDMRP

  1. Strategic Inventory Positioning: Identifying strategic locations for inventory buffers, known as decoupling points, helps manage material flow and mitigate variability.
  2. Buffer Profiles and Levels: Buffer profiles dynamically adjust inventory levels based on lead time, supply variability, and demand variability.
  3. Dynamic Adjustments: These adjustments include planned changes based on market or supply conditions, demand-driven responses to actual consumption, and decoupled explosions that propagate changes across the buffer network.
  4. Demand-Driven Planning: This approach uses actual demand signals to drive decisions, reducing the bullwhip effect associated with traditional MRP systems.
  5. Visible and Collaborative Execution: Emphasizing visibility and collaboration, DDMRP fosters a synchronized approach to supply chain management.

IFS Cloud’s DDMRP Solution

IFS Cloud features a robust DDMRP solution that transforms traditional MRP systems by adopting demand-driven approaches. It aims to improve responsiveness, minimize reliance on forecasts, and seamlessly integrate with normal MRP processes.

Benefits of IFS’s DDMRP Solution:

  • Strategic Inventory Management: By managing inventory through strategic buffers, IFS DDMRP reduces lead times and improves service levels.
  • Enhanced Supply Chain Visibility: Tools provided by IFS enhance visibility, crucial for tracking buffer status and making informed decisions.
  • Reduction in Lead Times and Improved Responsiveness: Focusing on actual demand allows for quicker response to market changes.
  • Adaptability to Market Variability: The system adapts to market changes, accommodating short product life cycles and varied product assortments.


The shift from traditional MRP to DDMRP marks a movement towards more agile and responsive manufacturing and supply chain operations. IFS Cloud supports this transition with a DDMRP solution that not only drives operational excellence but also fosters business growth by aligning inventory management with actual market needs. This strategic approach helps companies maintain a competitive edge in today’s dynamic market environments.


With over 20 years of professional expertise in the IT software industry, including an impressive 19-year tenure in a managerial position at IFS Turkey, Göksel Sanbay brings a wealth of experience to the table. Throughout his career, he has successfully managed dozens of hands-on ERP, EAM, and ESM projects, leaving a trail of satisfied clients and successful implementations.

Notably, he has also excelled as a solution architect, leaving his mark on various reference IFS projects. His passion for innovation and driving efficiency has led him to embark on a new journey. In July 2022, he founded GUMA Business Solutions, a dynamic consulting company exclusively dedicated to crafting cutting-edge business software solutions, with a specialization in IFS Applications.

At GUMA, we thrive on challenges and aspire to take businesses to new heights through tailor-made software solutions that streamline operations, boost productivity, and empower growth


Posted in Guma Articles.

Enhancing Enterprise Agility with IFS Cloud’s Integration Capabilities

In an era where digital transformation dictates market dynamics, the integration of ERP systems with other enterprise applications is not just beneficial but essential. IFS Cloud provides advanced integration capabilities designed to streamline these processes, ensuring flexibility and robust control over data and system interactions.

ifs cloud integration rest soap ifs connect

Core Integration Capabilities of IFS Cloud

IFS Cloud is engineered to facilitate seamless integration with both IFS and third-party systems, enhancing business agility and connectivity. Key features include:

RESTful APIs and ODATA Services

IFS Cloud leverages RESTful APIs to simplify the interaction between disparate systems, making it easier to manage data exchanges and integrations across the internet. These APIs are designed to be simple, scalable, and efficient, supporting a variety of operations that enhance business processes.

IFS Connect

As a versatile integration broker, IFS Connect primarily handles XML and web services, enabling businesses to bridge IFS Cloud with external systems. This tool simplifies the integration process, ensuring that data flows smoothly between systems without extensive customization or configuration.

Strategic Implementation of IFS Cloud Integration

Data Integration and Management

IFS Cloud enables businesses to define and manipulate data structures that align closely with their operational needs. This strategic data handling facilitates efficient data access and management, ensuring consistency across systems and fostering an environment conducive to quick decision-making.

Practical Usage Scenarios

Data Fetching: Businesses can efficiently retrieve necessary data using straightforward API calls. This feature supports a range of operational needs, from simple data queries to complex integrations.
Resource Management: Through various API methods, companies can create, update, and manage resources within IFS Cloud, ensuring that data remains current and reflective of real-world changes.

Business Advantages of Advanced Integration Features

Scalability and Flexibility

The integration tools provided by IFS Cloud are built to scale with the business, accommodating increases in data volume and integration points seamlessly. This scalability ensures that businesses can expand without being hindered by their operational systems.

Enhanced Decision-Making

Integrated systems provide a holistic view of enterprise data, aiding leaders in making informed decisions. Access to real-time data through IFS Cloud facilitates faster responses to market changes, driving competitive advantage.

Reduced IT Complexity

IFS Cloud’s intuitive integration capabilities reduce the reliance on IT for day-to-day data interactions, allowing teams to focus more on strategic initiatives rather than operational complexities.

Leveraging Expertise in IFS Integrations

Guma Business Solutions brings a wealth of experience in integrating IFS with a diverse range of solutions. From EDI integrations in the Automotive industry to complex financial systems, and from engineering and drawing integrations with PDM/CAD solutions (please also read article : Connecting CAD & IFS ERP) to HR Payroll systems, we have successfully implemented numerous projects. Our expertise ensures that businesses can maximize the benefits of IFS Cloud through tailored integration strategies that meet specific industry needs and operational demands.

The advanced integration capabilities of IFS Cloud transform how businesses interact with their data and systems. By adopting IFS Cloud, organizations not only streamline their data processes but also achieve greater operational flexibility and strategic insight.


With over 20 years of professional expertise in the IT software industry, including an impressive 19-year tenure in a managerial position at IFS Turkey, Göksel Sanbay brings a wealth of experience to the table. Throughout his career, he has successfully managed dozens of hands-on ERP, EAM, and ESM projects, leaving a trail of satisfied clients and successful implementations.

Notably, he has also excelled as a solution architect, leaving his mark on various reference IFS projects. His passion for innovation and driving efficiency has led him to embark on a new journey. In July 2022, he founded GUMA Business Solutions, a dynamic consulting company exclusively dedicated to crafting cutting-edge business software solutions, with a specialization in IFS Applications.

At GUMA, we thrive on challenges and aspire to take businesses to new heights through tailor-made software solutions that streamline operations, boost productivity, and empower growth


Posted in Guma Articles.

IFS Cloud: A Catalyst for Empowering Project-Oriented Industries

IFS Cloud emerges as a pivotal solution, adept at bridging various functional modules within an organization, from customer and shop orders to purchase orders, thereby facilitating a seamless operational flow. The platform is celebrated for its holistic approach to project management, encompassing both product development and service delivery.

ifs cloud project industries

Centralized Project Hub

At the core of IFS Cloud lies its project management module, a central hub designed to streamline operations and enhance efficiency. This module is not just a tool for managing tasks but a comprehensive solution that ties together different facets of an organization, allowing for better control and visibility over projects. It is adept at handling a myriad of project types, whether they involve manufacturing products or delivering extensive service projects, making it an invaluable asset for businesses aiming to manage their endeavors more effectively.

Resource Optimization

One of the standout features of IFS Cloud is its emphasis on resource optimization. The platform enables the precise allocation of resources to project activities, ensuring that the right personnel with the appropriate skills are tasked with the right activities. This not only boosts productivity but also significantly enhances project outcomes by leveraging the capabilities of the workforce to the fullest.

Seamless Integration Across Departments

IFS Cloud facilitates a high degree of integration across various departments, enabling a fluid exchange of information and a unified view of project statuses. From the initiation and planning stages through to execution and closure, the platform supports every phase of project management. This integrated approach ensures that projects are delivered on time and within budget, with all departments aligned towards common goals.

Comprehensive Planning and Forecasting Tools

Planning and forecasting are critical components of successful project management, and IFS Cloud offers robust tools to aid in these areas. The platform allows for detailed planning of resources and materials, ensuring that projects are well-prepared for any contingencies. Additionally, the forecasting tools enable businesses to make informed decisions by predicting project outcomes, facilitating better financial and operational planning.

Real-time Monitoring and Analysis

With IFS Cloud, businesses gain the ability to monitor projects in real-time, offering immediate insights into project performance. This real-time analysis enables quick identification of issues and swift corrective actions, ensuring projects remain on track. Furthermore, the platform’s reporting capabilities allow for an in-depth analysis of project data, aiding in continuous improvement and strategic decision-making.


IFS Cloud represents a leap forward in project management solutions, offering an integrated, resource-optimized, and analytically driven platform that caters to the diverse needs of modern businesses. Whether it’s for managing intricate manufacturing processes or overseeing large-scale service projects, IFS Cloud provides the tools necessary for businesses to succeed in today’s competitive landscape. Its emphasis on integration, resource management, and real-time monitoring makes it a cornerstone for any organization looking to enhance its project management capabilities and achieve operational excellence.


With over 20 years of professional expertise in the IT software industry, including an impressive 19-year tenure in a managerial position at IFS Turkey, Göksel Sanbay brings a wealth of experience to the table. Throughout his career, he has successfully managed dozens of hands-on ERP, EAM, and ESM projects, leaving a trail of satisfied clients and successful implementations.

Notably, he has also excelled as a solution architect, leaving his mark on various reference IFS projects. His passion for innovation and driving efficiency has led him to embark on a new journey. In July 2022, he founded GUMA Business Solutions, a dynamic consulting company exclusively dedicated to crafting cutting-edge business software solutions, with a specialization in IFS Applications.

At GUMA, we thrive on challenges and aspire to take businesses to new heights through tailor-made software solutions that streamline operations, boost productivity, and empower growth


Posted in Guma Articles.

Choosing the Correct Project Methodology for ERP Implementation

Implementing an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system is a monumental task for any organization. It not only involves significant financial investment but also requires a change in business processes, workflows, and often, the organizational culture itself. Given the complexities and challenges involved, selecting the right project management methodology—Agile or Waterfall—is crucial for the success of an ERP implementation. Understanding the key differences between these methodologies can help in making an informed decision.

Implementation Methodology ERP Agile Waterfall

Agile vs. Waterfall: Key Differences

Agile is all about flexibility, adaptability, and iterative progress. It allows for continuous reassessment and adaptation of plans, making it ideal for projects where requirements may evolve or are not entirely clear at the outset.

Waterfall, on the other hand, is linear and sequential, demanding a complete understanding of requirements from the beginning. Each phase must be completed before the next one begins, with little scope for revisiting earlier phases.

When to Use Which Methodology

The choice between Agile and Waterfall for ERP implementation largely depends on the nature of the project, the organization’s readiness for change, and the clarity of the project requirements.

Greenfield Projects: For organizations implementing ERP for the first time, where many requirements and processes may not be fully understood or defined at the start, Agile could be the more suitable option. Agile methodologies allow for flexibility in defining and refining the system requirements as the project progresses. This iterative approach is beneficial in environments where new needs and challenges can emerge over time.

Evolving Requirements: In industries where rapid change is the norm, or in situations where the specifics of the ERP implementation are difficult to pin down from the start, Agile methodologies offer the adaptability needed to accommodate evolving requirements. This flexibility can be a significant advantage in ensuring that the ERP system remains aligned with the organization’s needs.

Well-defined Processes and Requirements: For projects where the requirements, business processes, and outcomes are clear and well-defined from the beginning, and especially where best practices are well-established, Waterfall could be the better choice. This methodology fits well with implementations where the scope is straightforward, and changes are unlikely or minimal. Waterfall’s structured approach ensures thorough documentation and adherence to predefined stages, making it suitable for projects with strict regulatory compliance requirements or where detailed record-keeping is essential.

Making the Right Choice

Deciding between Agile and Waterfall methodologies for ERP implementation involves considering several factors:

Project Scope and Complexity: The more complex and less defined the project, the more an Agile approach may be beneficial.

Stakeholder Involvement: Agile requires and benefits from continuous stakeholder engagement, which can be a critical factor in ERP projects where user buy-in is essential for success.

Risk Management: Agile allows for earlier identification and mitigation of risks, a significant consideration for projects as substantial as ERP implementations.
Industry Dynamics: Fast-changing industries may necessitate the flexibility offered by Agile, whereas more stable sectors with clear requirements might be better served by the Waterfall approach.

Ultimately, the decision between Agile and Waterfall should align with the organization’s specific needs, culture, and goals for the ERP implementation. In some cases, a hybrid approach that combines elements of both methodologies might even be the best solution, offering the structure of Waterfall with the flexibility of Agile where it’s most needed. The key is to choose a methodology that not only suits the project at hand but also aligns with the broader objectives of the organization, ensuring a successful ERP implementation that delivers value over the long term.


With over 20 years of professional expertise in the IT software industry, including an impressive 19-year tenure in a managerial position at IFS Turkey, Göksel Sanbay brings a wealth of experience to the table. Throughout his career, he has successfully managed dozens of hands-on ERP, EAM, and ESM projects, leaving a trail of satisfied clients and successful implementations.

Notably, he has also excelled as a solution architect, leaving his mark on various reference IFS projects. His passion for innovation and driving efficiency has led him to embark on a new journey. In July 2022, he founded GUMA Business Solutions, a dynamic consulting company exclusively dedicated to crafting cutting-edge business software solutions, with a specialization in IFS Applications.

At GUMA, we thrive on challenges and aspire to take businesses to new heights through tailor-made software solutions that streamline operations, boost productivity, and empower growth


Revolutionizing Business Efficiency: The Power of IFS Business Process Automation

In the contemporary business landscape, the quest for operational efficiency and digital transformation has led many organizations to embrace Business Process Automation (BPA). This adoption is driven by the need to streamline complex business operations, enhance service delivery, contain costs, and ultimately achieve a digital transformation. The essence of BPA lies in its ability to automate multifaceted business processes through technology, thereby simplifying business operations, improving service quality, and facilitating digital transformation.


Expectations from Business Process Automation

Organizations venturing into BPA should expect to see a significant transformation in how their business processes are managed. BPA introduces a level of efficiency that manual processes simply cannot match. By automating routine tasks, businesses can focus their human resources on more strategic activities that require human intelligence and emotional judgment. Furthermore, BPA leads to faster decision-making, reduced errors, and a more agile response to market changes. It paves the way for a digital-first approach, aligning IT systems with business objectives to foster growth and innovation.

Challenges Addressed by Business Process Automation

BPA is instrumental in tackling various operational challenges within organizations, such as:

  • Reducing Operational Costs: By automating routine tasks, organizations can lower their operational expenses, as machines handle the tasks faster and more efficiently than humans.
  • Enhancing Efficiency and Productivity: Automation streamlines business processes, eliminating bottlenecks and ensuring tasks are completed at a faster rate.
  • Improving Accuracy: Automated processes reduce the likelihood of errors that are common in manual processes, thereby improving the overall accuracy of business operations.
  • Compliance and Risk Management: BPA systems are designed to adhere to regulatory standards, which helps in managing compliance and mitigating risks.
  • Customer Satisfaction: Faster and more accurate processes lead to improved service delivery, which in turn enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty.

The IFS BPA Solution: A Fully Integrated Approach

In response to the growing need for sophisticated BPA solutions, IFS has developed a fully integrated BPA solution as part of its IFS Cloud 21R1 release. This solution introduces a workflow engine embedded within the IFS Cloud, designed to enhance the automation and tailoring experience for users. It allows for the creation of workflows that automate a sequence of tasks, processing data across different business and industry interactions. These workflows can handle everything from simple data passing between systems and humans to more complex processes that require decision-making based on predefined criteria.

Central to the IFS BPA solution is its support for Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN), a global standard for process modeling. This adherence ensures that the technical implementation of processes is precisely aligned with business objectives, enabling organizations to model, implement, and optimize their business processes efficiently. BPMN’s standardized graphical notation not only enhances the clarity of process designs but also facilitates seamless communication between IT and business stakeholders, thereby ensuring a holistic approach to process automation.

The IFS BPA solution stands out for its comprehensive approach to process automation, encompassing validation, user interaction, and process enrichment. This approach ensures that organizations can tailor the solution to their specific needs, leveraging features such as:

  • Workflow Designer: A tool that facilitates the visual modeling of processes, making it easier for users to design and implement automation workflows.
  • Custom Event Triggers: Users can define custom events that trigger specific workflows, enabling a high degree of customization and flexibility.
  • Integration with IFS Cloud: The solution is fully integrated with IFS Cloud, allowing users to leverage existing functionalities and data within the IFS ecosystem.


As businesses continue to navigate the complexities of digital transformation, the role of Business Process Automation becomes increasingly crucial. The IFS BPA solution provides a robust, integrated platform for organizations looking to automate their business processes, improve operational efficiency, and achieve digital transformation. By adopting a strategic approach to BPA, organizations can not only streamline their operations but also unlock new opportunities for growth and innovation.


With over 20 years of professional expertise in the IT software industry, including an impressive 19-year tenure in a managerial position at IFS Turkey, Göksel Sanbay brings a wealth of experience to the table. Throughout his career, he has successfully managed dozens of hands-on ERP, EAM, and ESM projects, leaving a trail of satisfied clients and successful implementations.

Notably, he has also excelled as a solution architect, leaving his mark on various reference IFS projects. His passion for innovation and driving efficiency has led him to embark on a new journey. In July 2022, he founded GUMA Business Solutions, a dynamic consulting company exclusively dedicated to crafting cutting-edge business software solutions, with a specialization in IFS Applications.

At GUMA, we thrive on challenges and aspire to take businesses to new heights through tailor-made software solutions that streamline operations, boost productivity, and empower growth


Transforming IT Management: The Strategic Role of IFS Assyst

In the ever-evolving domain of Information Technology (IT), the efficient management of services is paramount. As digital transformation continues to accelerate across industries, the complexity of managing IT services has notably increased. This shift has spurred a heightened focus on IT Service Management (ITSM) solutions, aimed at streamlining the delivery and management of IT services, making them not just more efficient but also more aligned with the overarching goals of businesses.


The Imperative for ITSM Solutions

The push towards ITSM solutions stems from the myriad challenges service management organizations face in navigating the intricacies of modern IT environments. These challenges are diverse and multifaceted, encompassing the management of an extensive array of IT assets, safeguarding data and systems, adhering to regulatory standards, and adapting to the dynamic needs of businesses. ITSM solutions offer a structured methodology to address these challenges, emphasizing processes and practices that dovetail with the strategic objectives of the business.

Facing the Challenges Head-On

Service management organizations grapple with numerous hurdles. These include the seamless integration of varied tools and processes, striking a balance between innovation and operational stability, and countering evolving security threats. There’s also the perennial challenge of reducing costs while enhancing service quality and meeting the heightened expectations of both users and business units.

Crafting Solutions for the Industry

To surmount these challenges, organizations are increasingly turning to ITSM solutions that provide a comprehensive view of IT operations. This holistic perspective fosters better decision-making and more effective resource management. Standard features of these solutions encompass incident management, problem management, change management, asset management, and service request management. The synergistic integration of ITSM with other systems, like Configuration Management Databases (CMDBs) and automation tools, further empowers organizations to swiftly address issues and seize opportunities as they arise.

IFS Assyst: A Pioneering ITSM Solution

IFS Assyst emerges as a pioneering ITSM solution tailored to meet the nuanced needs of service management organizations. It is replete with features aimed at augmenting the efficiency and effectiveness of IT service delivery. Thanks to its intuitive interface and versatile configuration options, IFS Assyst allows organizations to seamlessly tailor the solution to fit their unique processes and requirements.

This solution stands out for its commitment to integrating the management of IT assets and services, offering a centralized platform for overseeing the entire lifecycle of IT assets and services. This encompasses capabilities for asset discovery, automation, software asset management, and performance monitoring.

Crucially, IFS Assyst prioritizes the alignment of IT operations with business services, ensuring that IT investments contribute directly to business objectives. This alignment is essential for organizations striving to maximize the value from their IT assets and services.

In Conclusion

The continuous evolution of IT environments calls for a strategic approach to service management. ITSM solutions like IFS Assyst provide the essential tools and processes needed to effectively navigate the complexities of modern IT operations. By integrating various facets of IT management, organizations can ensure that IT services are in lockstep with business goals, leading to improved efficiency, reduced costs, and elevated service quality.


With over 20 years of professional expertise in the IT software industry, including an impressive 19-year tenure in a managerial position at IFS Turkey, Göksel Sanbay brings a wealth of experience to the table. Throughout his career, he has successfully managed dozens of hands-on ERP, EAM, and ESM projects, leaving a trail of satisfied clients and successful implementations.

Notably, he has also excelled as a solution architect, leaving his mark on various reference IFS projects. His passion for innovation and driving efficiency has led him to embark on a new journey. In July 2022, he founded GUMA Business Solutions, a dynamic consulting company exclusively dedicated to crafting cutting-edge business software solutions, with a specialization in IFS Applications.

At GUMA, we thrive on challenges and aspire to take businesses to new heights through tailor-made software solutions that streamline operations, boost productivity, and empower growth


The Future of Manufacturing: The Transformative Impact of AI

As we gaze into the future of the manufacturing industry, it’s clear that artificial intelligence (AI) is set to redefine the very fabric of production, design, and operational efficiency. The infusion of AI into manufacturing heralds a new age of innovation, precision, and customization, reshaping traditional practices and setting the stage for a smarter, more agile manufacturing ecosystem. This article explores the potential transformations and implications of AI’s integration into the manufacturing sector, offering a glimpse into a future where AI-driven solutions are at the heart of industry evolution.


Revolutionizing Product Design with AI

AI’s role in product design is moving beyond mere assistance to becoming a central player in creative processes. Future AI systems will harness advanced algorithms to iterate designs in real-time, optimizing for parameters like material efficiency, durability, and environmental impact without human intervention. This generative design process will enable the creation of products that are not only innovative but also sustainable, opening new horizons in the quest for green manufacturing practices.

Predictive Maintenance: A Leap Towards Zero Downtime

The concept of predictive maintenance, powered by AI, is set to revolutionize manufacturing by drastically reducing unplanned downtime. By continuously monitoring equipment conditions and predicting failures before they occur, AI enables manufacturers to perform maintenance only when necessary, thus minimizing disruption and maximizing productivity. The future promises a manufacturing landscape where predictive maintenance ensures operations are smooth, efficient, and uninterrupted.

Smart Supply Chains: The Backbone of Future Manufacturing

AI is transforming supply chains into dynamic, responsive networks capable of anticipating changes and adapting in real-time. Future supply chains, powered by AI, will predict demand fluctuations, optimize inventory levels, and identify the most efficient transportation routes, all in the pursuit of reducing costs and enhancing sustainability. This level of optimization and foresight will be critical in navigating the complex, globalized supply chains of tomorrow.

Customization at Scale: Meeting the Demand for Personalization

The demand for personalized products is on the rise, and AI is the key to meeting this demand at scale. In the future, AI-driven manufacturing systems will allow for the mass customization of products, tailoring them to individual preferences without sacrificing efficiency or significantly increasing costs. This shift towards personalization will redefine consumer expectations and set new standards for product uniqueness and customer satisfaction.

AI-Enhanced Quality Control: Precision and Perfection

Quality control is undergoing a transformation, with AI leading the charge towards near-perfect production processes. AI algorithms, trained on vast datasets of product images and specifications, will detect anomalies and defects with unparalleled accuracy. This enhancement in quality control will not only improve product standards but also reduce waste, contributing to more sustainable manufacturing practices.

Workforce Transformation and New Skill Sets

As AI assumes a more prominent role in manufacturing, the workforce will need to adapt, acquiring new skills and embracing new ways of working alongside intelligent systems. The future workforce will be characterized by its flexibility, digital literacy, and ability to collaborate with AI, leading to a more innovative and productive industry.

The Strategic Advantage of IFS Cloud in the AI-Driven Future

For companies leveraging IFS Cloud as their enterprise software solution, the benefits of their AI-focused product roadmap are evident. IFS Cloud is not merely about the software’s current capabilities but its trajectory towards integrating the latest AI technologies. This focus ensures that companies using IFS Cloud are not just keeping pace with industry trends but are ahead of the curve. They benefit from advanced AI features seamlessly integrated into their enterprise solution, enhancing every facet of their operations from supply chain management to customer relationship management, from inventory optimization to human resources. The strategic investment in AI by IFS Cloud empowers businesses to navigate the complexities of modern manufacturing, ensuring that they are equipped with the tools necessary for innovation, efficiency, and competitiveness. As the manufacturing landscape evolves, the alignment of IFS Cloud with the forefront of AI technology positions its users to excel in a future where flexibility, foresight, and adaptability are key to success.


The future of manufacturing, illuminated by the advancements in AI, holds the promise of an era defined by unprecedented efficiency, innovation, and customization. With AI’s deep integration into manufacturing processes, we stand on the brink of transforming how products are designed, produced, and delivered, as well as how the industry rises to meet global challenges of sustainability and resource management. For businesses that align with IFS Cloud, this future is not just a possibility but a tangible horizon. Leveraging IFS Cloud’s AI-focused advancements ensures that businesses are not merely participants in the next chapter of manufacturing but are leading the narrative towards a more innovative, sustainable, and customer-centric industry.


With over 20 years of professional expertise in the IT software industry, including an impressive 19-year tenure in a managerial position at IFS Turkey, Göksel Sanbay brings a wealth of experience to the table. Throughout his career, he has successfully managed dozens of hands-on ERP, EAM, and ESM projects, leaving a trail of satisfied clients and successful implementations.

Notably, he has also excelled as a solution architect, leaving his mark on various reference IFS projects. His passion for innovation and driving efficiency has led him to embark on a new journey. In July 2022, he founded GUMA Business Solutions, a dynamic consulting company exclusively dedicated to crafting cutting-edge business software solutions, with a specialization in IFS Applications.

At GUMA, we thrive on challenges and aspire to take businesses to new heights through tailor-made software solutions that streamline operations, boost productivity, and empower growth


Navigating the Complexities of Demand Planning in Make to Stock Industries with IFS Cloud

In the fast-paced and competitive landscape of Make to Stock (MTS) industries, mastering the art of demand planning is more critical than ever. Businesses in these sectors face the daunting challenge of forecasting demand accurately to maintain optimal inventory levels, ensure customer satisfaction, and stay ahead of competition. The intricate balance between overstocking, which ties up valuable resources, and understocking, which risks customer dissatisfaction and lost sales, requires a sophisticated approach to demand planning.


Embracing the Challenges with IFS Cloud’s Demand Planner

IFS Cloud emerges as a beacon of innovation in this complex environment, offering a Demand Planner module that is finely tuned to address the unique challenges of MTS industries. By integrating advanced forecasting models and precision accuracy assessments, IFS Cloud empowers businesses to navigate the delicate balance of planning, competition, and inventory management with confidence.

Advanced Forecasting for Precision Planning

Forecasting Models: The heart of IFS Cloud’s Demand Planner lies in its diverse array of forecasting models. From the dynamic Best Fit model, which automatically identifies the optimal forecasting approach, to the stable Bayesian model that excels in medium to long-term forecasting, businesses have a toolkit at their disposal to tackle the unpredictability of market demands. This flexibility is crucial for MTS industries, where shifts in consumer behavior or market trends can swiftly impact demand.

Forecast Accuracy Assessment: Understanding the effectiveness of demand forecasts is paramount. IFS Cloud provides comprehensive tools for evaluating forecast accuracy, offering insights that refine forecasting strategies over time. This continuous improvement is essential for keeping pace with market changes and competitor actions.

Tailored to Industry Needs

Flexible Forecasting Periods: Recognizing the diverse planning needs of MTS industries, IFS Cloud’s Demand Planner supports forecasting across various timeframes—weeks, months, quarters—allowing businesses to align their strategies with both short-term operations and long-term objectives.

Comprehensive Setup Requirements: To leverage the full potential of the Demand Planner, IFS Cloud outlines critical setup steps, from configuring a dedicated forecast server to defining data flows and managing user access. This detailed setup process ensures that businesses can customize the Demand Planner to their specific operational and strategic needs, maximizing its effectiveness.

Leveraging IFS Cloud for Competitive Advantage

The Demand Planner within IFS Cloud stands out as an indispensable tool for MTS industries, offering an in-depth analysis, seasonality detection, and event management capabilities. Its seamless integration with other IFS Cloud modules—master scheduling, MRP, and IPR—further enhances its utility, providing a holistic approach to demand planning.

In an industry where balancing customer satisfaction with inventory efficiency is paramount, the sophistication and adaptability of IFS Cloud’s Demand Planner offer businesses a clear path to maintaining competitive edge and achieving operational excellence.


The Demand Planner module of IFS Cloud represents a significant leap forward in addressing the challenges faced by Make to Stock industries. With its comprehensive forecasting models, accuracy metrics, and extensive setup options, IFS Cloud empowers businesses to overcome the hurdles of demand planning with unparalleled precision and flexibility. In the competitive arena of MTS industries, IFS Cloud offers the strategic planning and operational efficiency tools essential for navigating the complexities of market demand and inventory management successfully.


With over 20 years of professional expertise in the IT software industry, including an impressive 19-year tenure in a managerial position at IFS Turkey, Göksel Sanbay brings a wealth of experience to the table. Throughout his career, he has successfully managed dozens of hands-on ERP, EAM, and ESM projects, leaving a trail of satisfied clients and successful implementations.

Notably, he has also excelled as a solution architect, leaving his mark on various reference IFS projects. His passion for innovation and driving efficiency has led him to embark on a new journey. In July 2022, he founded GUMA Business Solutions, a dynamic consulting company exclusively dedicated to crafting cutting-edge business software solutions, with a specialization in IFS Applications.

At GUMA, we thrive on challenges and aspire to take businesses to new heights through tailor-made software solutions that streamline operations, boost productivity, and empower growth


Optimizing the Quotation Process with IFS Cloud’s Estimate Solution

IFS Cloud’s Estimate Solution revolutionizes the bidding and quotation process for businesses, providing a robust and comprehensive tool that significantly enhances the accuracy and efficiency of creating sales quotations. This advanced solution stands out by offering functionalities that streamline the creation of manufacturing basic data, enabling businesses to estimate costs with greater precision. The solution’s capabilities ensure that organizations can develop competitive and accurate bids, fostering better decision-making and strategic planning. Let’s explore the multifaceted benefits and functionalities of the Estimate Solution in IFS Cloud.


Comprehensive Cost Estimation

At the core of the Estimate Solution is its ability to facilitate detailed cost estimations. Businesses can leverage the solution to break down costs into material, labor, and overhead components, applying sophisticated algorithms and historical data to forecast expenses accurately. This granular approach to cost estimation ensures that quotations are based on realistic and comprehensive data, reducing the risk of underquoting or overquoting.

Creation of Manufacturing Basic Data

A standout feature of the Estimate Solution is its functionality for creating manufacturing basic data. This includes the generation of product structures (Bills of Materials – BOMs), routings, and operation sequences directly from the estimation process. By enabling the creation of this foundational manufacturing data, IFS Cloud ensures that the transition from quotation to production planning is seamless and error-free. This integration not only saves valuable time but also enhances operational efficiency by eliminating the need for manual data entry and reconciliation.

Multi-scenario Analysis

The Estimate Solution supports the creation of multiple estimate versions, allowing businesses to explore various costing and pricing scenarios. This multi-scenario analysis capability is invaluable for assessing different production methods, material choices, and supply chain options to identify the most cost-effective strategies. It empowers businesses to respond to customer inquiries with a range of pricing options, improving flexibility and customer satisfaction.

Streamlined Quote-to-Production Workflow

By bridging the gap between the sales and production teams, the Estimate Solution ensures that once a quotation is accepted, the manufacturing process can commence without delay. The system automatically transfers the estimated product structures and routings into actionable manufacturing orders, facilitating a smooth and rapid transition from quote to production. This streamlined workflow not only improves turnaround times but also enhances the accuracy of production planning and execution.

Global Capability

Recognizing the global nature of today’s businesses, the Estimate Solution is designed with multi-site and multi-currency capabilities. It accommodates the complexities of operating in diverse regulatory and economic environments, enabling businesses to manage quotations and cost estimations across different geographies and currencies seamlessly. This global capability ensures that businesses can compete effectively in international markets.

Enhanced Competitive Advantage

Ultimately, the Estimate Solution in IFS Cloud provides businesses with a competitive advantage in the bidding process. By leveraging accurate, detailed cost estimations and streamlined workflows, companies can offer competitive pricing while maintaining profitability. The solution’s comprehensive data analysis and global capabilities ensure that businesses can adapt quickly to market changes and customer needs, positioning them for success in a dynamic business environment.

In conclusion, the Estimate Solution in IFS Cloud is a game-changer for businesses looking to optimize their quotation and bidding processes. With its powerful functionalities for cost estimation, manufacturing data creation, and streamlined quote-to-production workflows, it provides businesses with the tools they need to improve accuracy, efficiency, and competitiveness in the marketplace.


With over 20 years of professional expertise in the IT software industry, including an impressive 19-year tenure in a managerial position at IFS Turkey, Göksel Sanbay brings a wealth of experience to the table. Throughout his career, he has successfully managed dozens of hands-on ERP, EAM, and ESM projects, leaving a trail of satisfied clients and successful implementations.

Notably, he has also excelled as a solution architect, leaving his mark on various reference IFS projects. His passion for innovation and driving efficiency has led him to embark on a new journey. In July 2022, he founded GUMA Business Solutions, a dynamic consulting company exclusively dedicated to crafting cutting-edge business software solutions, with a specialization in IFS Applications.

At GUMA, we thrive on challenges and aspire to take businesses to new heights through tailor-made software solutions that streamline operations, boost productivity, and empower growth
