Advancing Business Process Automation with IFS Cloud Workflows – Part 2

Building on our previous discussion about Business Process Automation (BPA) and its transformative impact on operational efficiency (see previous article) , this article delves deeper into the advanced capabilities of IFS Cloud’s Workflow engine. This second part will provide a detailed, technical exploration of how IFS Cloud Workflows can further streamline and enhance business processes.

Recap: The Role of BPA in Modern Business

To recap, BPA is a pivotal strategy for organizations seeking to optimize operations, reduce costs, and accelerate decision-making. The first part of this series highlighted the benefits of BPA, including improved accuracy, compliance, and customer satisfaction. IFS Cloud’s BPA solution, with its embedded workflow engine, exemplifies a robust approach to process automation, enabling seamless integration and customization.

Business Process Automation - Workflow - IFS Cloud

IFS Cloud Workflows: A Deeper Dive

IFS Cloud’s Workflow engine is designed to automate complex business processes, leveraging Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) to ensure clear, standardized process modeling. Here, we will explore the key components and functionalities that make IFS Cloud Workflows a powerful tool for business process automation.

Why Workflows?

IFS Cloud Workflows are integral to enhancing the automation experience by eliminating manual tasks, reducing time to complete activities, and increasing implementation quality and business agility. The core benefits of using workflows include:

  1. Eliminating Manual Tasks: Automating repetitive tasks frees up valuable human resources for more strategic activities.
  2. Reducing Completion Time: Automated workflows expedite task completion, improving both user and customer satisfaction.
  3. Increasing Implementation Quality: Automation minimizes human errors, thereby enhancing overall process quality.
  4. Boosting Business Agility: Configurable workflows allow businesses to adapt quickly to changing requirements.

Workflow Types and Execution Timings

IFS Cloud supports various workflow types, each serving distinct purposes:

  1. User Interaction Workflows: These workflows prompt users to enter additional information required for a transaction. They are typically invoked via Projection Action Configurations and can involve multiple user tasks and forms.
  2. Validation Workflows: Designed to conditionally prevent actions based on predefined criteria, these workflows display error messages to users and halt transactions without custom development.
  3. Process Enrichment Workflows: These workflows are used to create, alter, or delete data, enriching transactions or processes within the system by invoking internal projection operations such as Create, Read, Update, Delete, Function, and Action.

Workflows can be executed at different stages of a transaction:

  • Before: Executed as part of the same transaction that triggers the workflow, useful for altering or adding data prior to the main call.
  • After: Executed upon completion of the main REST call, allowing changes before transaction completion.
  • Asynchronous: Used for background jobs or processes that do not require immediate feedback, such as sending emails.

Building and Managing Workflows

Creating and managing workflows in IFS Cloud involves several steps:

  1. Designing a Workflow: Using the Workflow Designer, users can visually model workflows, add BPMN shapes, configure properties, and set conditions for gateways and decisions. The designer’s drag-and-drop interface simplifies workflow creation and modification.
  2. Deploying a Workflow: Once designed, workflows are deployed to the Camunda Engine. The deployment process locks the workflow version, preventing further changes until undeployment.
  3. Linking Workflows to Projections and Events: Workflows can be associated with specific projections or events, triggering automation based on CRUD operations or custom event configurations.

Advanced Features and Customization

IFS Cloud Workflows offer advanced features for enhanced customization and flexibility:

  • Workflow Commands: These allow direct execution of workflows through custom commands, enhancing user interaction with automated processes.
  • Custom Event Triggers: Users can define custom events that initiate specific workflows, providing high customization levels.
  • Integration with Existing Functionalities: Workflows are fully integrated with IFS Cloud, allowing users to leverage existing functionalities and data within the IFS ecosystem.

Troubleshooting and Observations

IFS Cloud provides comprehensive tools for troubleshooting and monitoring workflows:

  • Troubleshooting Tool: This allows users to simulate workflow execution, inspect paths, and view variable values at each step, facilitating error identification and resolution.
  • Workflow Observations: Users can record inputs to workflows and view execution logs, aiding in performance monitoring and optimization.


The advanced capabilities of IFS Cloud Workflows make it a versatile and powerful tool for business process automation. By leveraging the features and functionalities discussed, organizations can achieve greater operational efficiency, enhance service delivery, and drive digital transformation. As businesses continue to navigate the complexities of the digital age, the strategic implementation of IFS Cloud Workflows will be instrumental in unlocking new opportunities for growth and innovation.

For more detailed technical guidance on setting up and managing IFS Cloud Workflows, refer to the attached document which provides comprehensive instructions and examples.

Safeguarding Your Business with IFS Cloud Indemnity Management

In today’s complex business environment, managing risks effectively is paramount for companies across various industries. Indemnity management plays a crucial role in this by providing a structured approach to mitigate risks associated with projects, contracts, and subcontracting activities. Whether it’s securing insurance, guarantees, or necessary permits and licenses, indemnity management ensures that companies are protected against potential liabilities and financial losses.

IFS Cloud Indemnity Management

What IFS Cloud Offers

IFS Cloud provides an integrated indemnity management solution designed to help companies manage their risk mitigation instruments efficiently. This comprehensive system includes functionalities for registering, validating, and monitoring various indemnities such as insurance, bank guarantees, and permits. By centralizing these processes within a single platform, IFS Cloud enables businesses to streamline their operations, reduce manual errors, and ensure compliance with contractual obligations.

Key Features of IFS Cloud Indemnity Management

  1. Central Indemnity Repository: IFS Cloud offers a central repository where all indemnity-related documents and records are stored. This repository acts as a single source of truth, making it easy to access and manage indemnities across different projects and contracts.
  2. Automated Date Validations: The system includes automated date validation features that ensure all indemnities are current and valid. This functionality helps prevent lapses in coverage and compliance, thereby reducing the risk of financial penalties and project delays.
  3. User Configurable Validations: IFS Cloud allows users to set up custom validation rules for different types of indemnities. These rules can trigger warnings or errors based on the status of the indemnities, ensuring that any issues are addressed promptly before proceeding with critical business operations.
  4. Approval Routing: Indemnity management in IFS Cloud includes a robust approval routing process. This ensures that all indemnities are reviewed and approved by the appropriate personnel, adding an extra layer of oversight and accountability.
  5. Integration with Business Processes: The indemnity management module is fully integrated with other IFS Cloud modules such as accounts payable, accounts receivable, subcontract management, and sales contract management. This integration ensures that indemnity requirements are seamlessly incorporated into the company’s overall business processes.
  6. Dynamic User Interface: IFS Cloud’s user interface is designed to be responsive and adaptable to various devices, including tablets and smartphones. This flexibility allows users to access and manage indemnity information from anywhere, enhancing operational efficiency.

General Features of IFS Cloud

Apart from indemnity management, IFS Cloud offers a wide range of features that support various aspects of business operations. Some of the general features include:

  • Scalability: IFS Cloud is designed to scale with your business, providing robust support for companies of all sizes, from small enterprises to large multinational corporations.
  • Comprehensive ERP Functionality: IFS Cloud includes modules for finance, human resources, supply chain management, project management, and more. This comprehensive ERP functionality ensures that all business processes are integrated and aligned.
  • Advanced Analytics and Reporting: The platform offers powerful analytics and reporting tools that provide insights into business performance. These tools help companies make data-driven decisions and identify opportunities for improvement.
  • Cloud Deployment: As a cloud-based solution, IFS Cloud offers the benefits of reduced IT overhead, enhanced security, and the flexibility to access the system from anywhere with an internet connection.
  • Customization and Flexibility: IFS Cloud is highly customizable, allowing companies to tailor the system to their specific needs. This flexibility ensures that the solution can adapt to changing business requirements over time.

In conclusion, IFS Cloud’s indemnity management capabilities provide companies with a powerful tool to manage risk and ensure compliance with contractual obligations. Coupled with its broad range of features, IFS Cloud stands out as a comprehensive ERP solution that supports the diverse needs of modern businesses.

New Financial Features with IFS Cloud: Enhancing Finance Management

IFS Cloud continues to evolve, introducing several significant updates to streamline financial operations. These enhancements cater to various financial requirements, from cash planning to tax reporting, and are designed to provide more efficiency, flexibility, and control to finance teams. Here’s a detailed look at the key new features and improvements in IFS Cloud for finance requirements.

Overview of IFS Cloud

IFS Cloud is an integrated enterprise software solution designed to support various business processes, including finance, supply chain management, manufacturing, and human resources. It offers a comprehensive suite of tools that enable organizations to manage their operations more effectively and efficiently. By providing real-time data, advanced analytics, and seamless integration across different business functions, IFS Cloud helps businesses make informed decisions and drive continuous improvement.

ifs cloud finance management Cash Planning Tax Reporting internal Ledger Vouchers

Cash Planning

IFS Cloud introduces a new module called Cash Planning, crucial for businesses needing to manage their cash flow effectively. This module allows companies to analyze, plan, and consolidate future cash flows within projects, companies, or groups of companies, utilizing existing information and plans in the application. The Cash Plan Selections feature enables businesses to define cash plan purposes, such as short-term forecasts or project-specific reviews. By incorporating system-defined sources like receivables, payables, and subcontract valuations, this functionality reduces manual data entry and errors, making cash flow management more accurate and reliable. Detailed scenario analyses at multiple levels help companies evaluate different cash flow situations, preparing them for potential changes in market conditions or business operations. The importance of this feature lies in maintaining financial stability, supporting strategic financial planning, and improving efficiency in cash flow analysis and planning.

Tax Reporting Enhancements

IFS Cloud also includes a move towards a more generic output for tax reporting, addressing the increasing complexity of staying compliant with global tax regulations. This feature allows for better integration with external tax service providers. By enabling JSON format output, companies can facilitate integration with external services using REST API connections, which is crucial for multinational companies dealing with different tax regulations. Enhanced information sources support detailed tax reporting through tools like Business Reporter or Excel, allowing finance teams to generate customized tax reports tailored to specific regulatory requirements. These enhancements ensure compliance with diverse and evolving tax regulations, provide flexibility in tax reporting, and streamline the tax reporting process by reducing the need for extensive manual adjustments.

Internal Ledger Vouchers

IFS Cloud addresses issues related to user authorization levels, particularly for internal ledger (IL) vouchers. Users with ‘enter only’ authorization can now create IL vouchers without compromising SOX compliance. The enhanced authorization handling ensures correct management of user authority during voucher creation, maintaining internal controls and preventing unauthorized access to financial data. This feature helps organizations adhere to compliance standards and reduce the risk of fraud by maintaining proper segregation between external vouchers and automatic vouchers. This improvement enhances security, supports regulatory compliance, and provides better control over internal financial processes, reducing the risk of errors and fraud.

External File Handling

IFS Cloud eliminates the need for VPN access for certain operations, streamlining external file handling and ensuring compliance with security policies. The improved connectivity and security features allow for the import and export of files without VPN, supporting large file handling. This is beneficial for companies with remote or distributed teams needing secure and efficient data exchange. Detailed tracking and management of external files are provided through batch process information, essential for organizations that regularly exchange large volumes of data with external partners. These improvements ensure secure data exchange, streamline data handling processes, and adhere to security policies while reducing the administrative burden of managing external connections.

Prepayments and Netting Proposals

IFS Cloud enhances the handling of prepayments, a critical requirement in several European countries. This functionality is now part of the core system, supporting regulatory compliance for prepayments. Companies can define and control postings based on prepayment types, which is important for dealing with advance payments and ensuring accurate financial records. This feature supports specific regulatory requirements for countries like Poland, Czech Republic, and Slovakia, ensuring accurate financial reporting of prepayments and improving financial management.

Netting proposals and confirmations have also been improved to meet legal requirements, particularly in Poland. This functionality allows companies to manage and confirm netting balances effectively. By defining, printing, and approving netting proposals, companies can offset receivables and payables, reducing the number of transactions. Ensuring that all necessary legal clauses are included in netting documents helps companies meet local legal requirements for netting transactions. These enhancements streamline the netting process, ensure compliance with local regulations, and improve the accuracy of financial records by consolidating receivables and payables.


IFS Cloud brings a host of new features and improvements tailored to meet the evolving needs of finance departments. From advanced cash planning capabilities to enhanced tax reporting and compliance features, these updates ensure that IFS Cloud remains a robust and reliable tool for financial management. As businesses continue to navigate complex financial landscapes, these updates ensure that IFS Cloud remains a robust and reliable tool for financial management. With its comprehensive suite of tools and advanced features, IFS Cloud empowers organizations to optimize their financial operations and achieve greater efficiency, accuracy, and compliance.

IFS Cloud introduces a new module called Cash Planning, crucial for businesses needing to manage their cash flow effectively. This module allows companies to analyze, plan, and consolidate future cash flows within projects, companies, or groups of companies, utilizing existing information and plans in the application. The Cash Plan Selections feature enables businesses to define cash plan purposes, such as short-term forecasts or project-specific reviews. By incorporating system-defined sources like receivables, payables, and subcontract valuations, this functionality reduces manual data entry and errors, making cash flow management more accurate and reliable. Detailed scenario analyses at multiple levels help companies evaluate different cash flow situations, preparing them for potential changes in market conditions or business operations. The importance of this feature lies in maintaining financial stability, supporting strategic financial planning, and improving efficiency in cash flow analysis and planning.

IFS Cloud also includes a move towards a more generic output for tax reporting, addressing the increasing complexity of staying compliant with global tax regulations. This feature allows for better integration with external tax service providers. By enabling JSON format output, companies can facilitate integration with external services using REST API connections, which is crucial for multinational companies dealing with different tax regulations. Enhanced information sources support detailed tax reporting through tools like Business Reporter or Excel, allowing finance teams to generate customized tax reports tailored to specific regulatory requirements. These enhancements ensure compliance with diverse and evolving tax regulations, provide flexibility in tax reporting, and streamline the tax reporting process by reducing the need for extensive manual adjustments.

IFS Cloud addresses issues related to user authorization levels, particularly for internal ledger (IL) vouchers. Users with ‘enter only’ authorization can now create IL vouchers without compromising SOX compliance. The enhanced authorization handling ensures correct management of user authority during voucher creation, maintaining internal controls and preventing unauthorized access to financial data. This feature helps organizations adhere to compliance standards and reduce the risk of fraud by maintaining proper segregation between external vouchers and automatic vouchers. This improvement enhances security, supports regulatory compliance, and provides better control over internal financial processes, reducing the risk of errors and fraud.

IFS Cloud eliminates the need for VPN access for certain operations, streamlining external file handling and ensuring compliance with security policies. The improved connectivity and security features allow for the import and export of files without VPN, supporting large file handling. This is beneficial for companies with remote or distributed teams needing secure and efficient data exchange. Detailed tracking and management of external files are provided through batch process information, essential for organizations that regularly exchange large volumes of data with external partners. These improvements ensure secure data exchange, streamline data handling processes, and adhere to security policies while reducing the administrative burden of managing external connections.

IFS Cloud enhances the handling of prepayments, a critical requirement in several European countries. This functionality is now part of the core system, supporting regulatory compliance for prepayments. Companies can define and control postings based on prepayment types, which is important for dealing with advance payments and ensuring accurate financial records. This feature supports specific regulatory requirements for countries like Poland, Czech Republic, and Slovakia, ensuring accurate financial reporting of prepayments and improving financial management.

Netting proposals and confirmations have also been improved to meet legal requirements, particularly in Poland. This functionality allows companies to manage and confirm netting balances effectively. By defining, printing, and approving netting proposals, companies can offset receivables and payables, reducing the number of transactions. Ensuring that all necessary legal clauses are included in netting documents helps companies meet local legal requirements for netting transactions. These enhancements streamline the netting process, ensure compliance with local regulations, and improve the accuracy of financial records by consolidating receivables and payables.

IFS Cloud continues to evolve, and these new financial features demonstrate a commitment to providing tools that enhance efficiency, accuracy, and compliance in financial management. These updates ensure that IFS Cloud remains a comprehensive and reliable solution for businesses looking to optimize their financial operations and achieve greater control over their financial processes. As businesses continue to navigate complex financial landscapes, IFS Cloud stands out as a robust and adaptable tool that supports their growth and success.

Enhancing Efficiency in Shipment Management with IFS Cloud Shipment Solution

General Information About IFS and IFS Cloud

IFS is a global enterprise software provider, offering a range of solutions that help businesses manage their operations more efficiently. The company’s flagship product, IFS Cloud, is a comprehensive suite of software applications designed to support various business processes, including enterprise resource planning (ERP), customer relationship management (CRM), and enterprise asset management (EAM). IFS Cloud integrates these functionalities into a single platform, providing users with a seamless experience and enabling them to leverage advanced technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT).

Importance of Shipment Management and Industry Challenges

Shipment management is a critical component of supply chain operations. Efficient shipment management ensures that goods are delivered on time, in the right quantities, and in optimal condition. This is essential for maintaining customer satisfaction, reducing operational costs, and improving overall business efficiency.

Several industries face unique challenges in shipment management:

  1. Manufacturing: Delays in shipments can disrupt production schedules, leading to increased costs and reduced productivity.
  2. Retail: Ensuring timely and accurate deliveries to meet customer demand is crucial. Any errors can result in lost sales and damaged customer relationships.
  3. Healthcare: The timely and safe delivery of medical supplies and equipment is vital. Delays or errors can have serious consequences on patient care.
  4. Logistics: Coordinating multiple shipments, managing different transportation modes, and handling customs regulations can be complex and time-consuming.
ifs cloud shipment management

IFS Cloud’s Shipment Management Solutions

IFS Cloud offers a robust shipment management solution designed to address these challenges. Key features include:

  1. Comprehensive Shipment Orders: The shipment order functionality in IFS Cloud allows businesses to create detailed shipment orders, ensuring all necessary information is included. This simplifies the process of moving goods between sites, warehouses, or to customers, enhancing overall efficiency​​​​.
  2. Integration with Outbound Transactions: In the newer versions of IFS Cloud, shipment management is integrated with all outbound transactions, including supplier returns. This provides a seamless process for managing all types of shipments and returns within the same system, increasing operational efficiency and reducing the risk of errors​​​​.
  3. Compliance with E-DeliveryNote Regulations: For countries with e-DeliveryNote regulations, IFS Cloud’s shipment solution is a good match. It offers a unique structure-based hierarchy that fulfills these regulatory requirements, ensuring compliance and streamlining the documentation process​​​​.
  4. Automation and Efficiency: IFS Cloud introduces automation in the shipment process, reducing manual tasks and increasing accuracy. Automated tasks include creating shipment records, printing pick lists, reporting picking, and finalizing shipments. This reduces the administrative burden on staff and speeds up the shipment process​​​​.
  5. Enhanced Planning Capabilities: Shipment orders can be created in advance, allowing for better planning and coordination. This ensures that goods are ready for shipment when needed, reducing delays and improving on-time delivery rates​​​​.
  6. Flexibility in Goods Movement: The system supports various scenarios, including site-to-site, site-to-remote warehouse, and remote warehouse-to-remote warehouse movements. This flexibility ensures that businesses can adapt to different logistical needs without complex workarounds​​​​.
  7. Real-Time Tracking and Visibility: IFS Cloud provides real-time tracking of shipments, allowing businesses to monitor the status of their goods throughout the shipment process. This visibility helps in proactive management and quick resolution of any issues that may arise during transit​​​​.
  8. Industry-Specific Support: In industries like automotive, IFS Cloud supports complex packaging structures and dispatch advice messages (EDI – DESADV). This ensures that all shipment details are accurately communicated, reducing the risk of errors and improving supply chain coordination​​​​.
  9. Integration with Existing Processes: The shipment management solution in IFS Cloud integrates seamlessly with other processes such as inventory management, order processing, and procurement. This ensures a cohesive and streamlined workflow across different business functions​​​​.


IFS Cloud’s shipment management solution offers a comprehensive, efficient, and flexible approach to handling shipments. By automating key processes, enhancing planning capabilities, and providing real-time tracking, IFS Cloud helps businesses overcome the challenges associated with shipment management and improve their overall supply chain efficiency. This, in turn, leads to better customer satisfaction, reduced operational costs, and a stronger competitive edge in the market.

The Importance of AI in Business: Leveraging IFS Cloud for Competitive Advantage

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become an indispensable part of modern business operations, driving innovation, efficiency, and competitive advantage. As we stand on the brink of unprecedented change, the integration of AI into business processes is not just a luxury but a necessity. This transformation is evident in the capabilities offered by IFS Cloud, which integrates AI to deliver significant benefits across various industries.

The Importance of AI in Business

AI is revolutionizing how businesses operate, making processes more efficient, enhancing decision-making, and enabling new levels of productivity. The importance of AI can be summarized in several key areas:

  1. Efficiency: AI automates routine tasks, freeing up human resources to focus on more strategic activities. This not only boosts productivity but also reduces operational costs.
  2. Decision-Making: AI provides data-driven insights that enhance decision-making processes. By analyzing vast amounts of data, AI can identify patterns and trends that may not be immediately apparent to human analysts.
  3. Competitive Advantage: Companies that leverage AI effectively can gain a significant edge over their competitors. AI enables faster innovation cycles, better customer experiences, and more efficient operations.
  4. Customer Experience: AI-driven tools can personalize customer interactions, providing tailored recommendations and support that enhance satisfaction and loyalty.
ifs cloud ai business artificial intelligence erp

IFS Cloud: Bringing AI to Industries

IFS Cloud offers a suite of AI capabilities that are seamlessly embedded within its ERP, EAM, and FSM solutions. These capabilities are designed to address industry-specific challenges, making AI accessible and beneficial for a wide range of sectors, including manufacturing, energy and utilities, construction and engineering, service industries, telecommunications, and aerospace and defense.

Key AI Capabilities in IFS Cloud

  1. Content Generation: AI-powered tools within IFS Cloud can automatically generate various types of content, streamlining workflows and enhancing productivity. This includes generating question-answer responses, creating customer orders from uploaded documents, and providing proactive information to field technicians.
  2. Recommendations: The AI recommendation engine in IFS Cloud suggests the next best actions based on diverse circumstances and options. This capability assists in complex decision-making, guiding users through available options and their potential consequences.
  3. Anomaly Detection: AI can identify deviations from normal behavior, signaling potential issues before they escalate. This proactive approach enables timely interventions, reducing downtime and maintaining operational efficiency.
  4. Optimization: AI-driven optimization tools help allocate resources and perform activities in the most efficient manner, considering constraints and objectives. This is crucial for scheduling tasks, sequencing production orders, and planning maintenance activities.
  5. Forecasting and Simulation: IFS Cloud uses AI to predict future trends based on historical data. This capability helps businesses anticipate changes and plan accordingly, ensuring they stay ahead of market demands.
  6. Contextual Knowledge: AI in IFS Cloud analyzes structured and unstructured data sources to provide relevant information and guidance. This contextual knowledge supports better decision-making and enhances overall business operations.

Real-World Applications

The benefits of AI in IFS Cloud extend to real-world applications, driving value in several key areas:

  • Predictive Maintenance: By leveraging AI, IFS Cloud enables predictive maintenance, which minimizes downtime and optimizes asset performance. This ensures that equipment remains operational, reducing costs and enhancing customer satisfaction.
  • Supply Chain Management: AI enhances supply chain efficiency by predicting demand, optimizing inventory levels, and improving supplier relationships. This results in lower costs, reduced waste, and improved service levels.
  • Field Service Management: AI-driven tools in IFS Cloud enhance field service management by providing technicians with real-time information and guidance, ensuring first-time fixes and improving customer experiences.

The Future of AI with IFS Cloud

As AI technology continues to evolve, IFS Cloud is poised to deliver even greater benefits. Future updates will include advanced AI-driven functionalities and a deeper integration of AI capabilities across all business processes. This will enable businesses to stay agile, innovative, and competitive in an ever-changing market landscape.

In conclusion, the integration of AI into business operations through solutions like IFS Cloud is essential for achieving efficiency, enhancing decision-making, and maintaining a competitive edge. By leveraging the powerful AI capabilities within IFS Cloud, businesses can unlock new levels of productivity and drive long-term success.


With over 20 years of professional expertise in the IT software industry, including an impressive 19-year tenure in a managerial position at IFS Turkey, Göksel Sanbay brings a wealth of experience to the table. Throughout his career, he has successfully managed dozens of hands-on ERP, EAM, and ESM projects, leaving a trail of satisfied clients and successful implementations.

Notably, he has also excelled as a solution architect, leaving his mark on various reference IFS projects. His passion for innovation and driving efficiency has led him to embark on a new journey. In July 2022, he founded GUMA Business Solutions, a dynamic consulting company exclusively dedicated to crafting cutting-edge business software solutions, with a specialization in IFS Applications.

At GUMA, we thrive on challenges and aspire to take businesses to new heights through tailor-made software solutions that streamline operations, boost productivity, and empower growth.

Enhancing Business Operations with IFS Cloud’s External File Functionality

Why is External File Functionality Required?

In today’s data-driven world, businesses need to manage large volumes of data efficiently. Whether it’s importing data from external sources or exporting data for analysis and reporting, the ability to handle data seamlessly is crucial. This is where external file functionality comes into play. It simplifies the process of transferring data between different systems and ensures data integrity and accuracy.

ifs cloud external file data management

Benefits of External File Functionality:

  1. Efficiency: Automates the import and export of large datasets, saving time and reducing manual errors.
  2. Flexibility: Supports various file formats and customizable templates to meet specific business needs.
  3. Data Integrity: Ensures accurate data transfer, maintaining consistency across systems.
  4. Scalability: Handles increasing data volumes as your business grows, without compromising performance.
  5. Compliance: Facilitates compliance with data reporting standards and regulations by providing accurate and timely data.

General Features of IFS Cloud:

IFS Cloud is a robust enterprise resource planning (ERP) system designed to streamline business processes and enhance operational efficiency. Key features include:

  • Unified Platform: Integrates various business functions into a single platform, enhancing data consistency and reducing silos.
  • Scalability: Adapts to businesses of all sizes, from small enterprises to large corporations.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Offers an intuitive and customizable user experience.
  • Real-Time Data: Provides real-time analytics and insights, helping businesses make informed decisions.
  • Cloud-Based: Ensures accessibility from anywhere, promoting remote work and collaboration.
  • Compliance and Security: Adheres to global compliance standards and incorporates advanced security measures to protect sensitive data.

IFS Cloud External File Functionality

IFS Cloud’s external file functionality is a powerful tool designed to manage the input and output of data in bulk, facilitating smooth data exchange between IFS Cloud and external systems.

Setting Up External Files:

  • File Types: These define the structure of the data, including record types and available columns. Each file type is associated with a specific component within IFS Cloud.
  • File Templates: Templates specify how data should be formatted for import and export. They include options for separators, date formats, and default file paths.

Using the External File Assistant:

The External File Assistant is a wizard-driven process that simplifies the handling of external files. It allows users to process files online or in batch mode, providing flexibility in data management.

Detailed Setup and Functionality:

  1. Defining File Types and Templates:
    • File types and templates can be defined within the accounting rules section of IFS Cloud. This includes specifying the component, view, and API associated with the data.
    • Predefined system file types and templates are available for common data imports and exports, such as external vouchers, customer invoices, and supplier invoices. Custom file types can also be created to meet specific business needs.
  2. Importing and Exporting Data:
    • The wizard guides users through the steps of selecting the file type, specifying input or output parameters, and defining file paths.
    • For imports, the system can skip header rows and handle various data formats. For exports, users can filter data to include only relevant records.
  3. Monitoring and Troubleshooting:
    • IFS Cloud provides tools to monitor the progress of external file operations and view logs of imported and exported files. This helps identify and resolve any issues that may arise during data processing.
  4. Example Use Cases:
    • Importing external vouchers: Automates the entry of financial transactions into the system, ensuring accuracy and efficiency.
    • Exporting part catalogs: Facilitates the transfer of product information to external systems for reporting or analysis.


IFS Cloud’s external file functionality is an essential tool for businesses looking to streamline their data management processes. By automating the import and export of large datasets, it enhances efficiency, ensures data integrity, and supports compliance with reporting standards. Integrated within the comprehensive IFS Cloud platform, this functionality empowers businesses to handle their data needs with confidence and precision.

Lease Accounting in IFS Cloud: Streamlining Compliance with IFRS 16

Understanding IFRS 16

IFRS 16 is an International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) that became effective on January 1, 2019. It was introduced to bring greater transparency and comparability in financial statements, particularly concerning lease obligations. Under IFRS 16, lessees are required to recognize nearly all lease contracts on the balance sheet, a significant shift from the previous standard, IAS 17, which allowed operating leases to be recognized off-balance-sheet.

Key Features of IFRS 16:

lease accounting ifs cloud ifrs 16
  • Balance Sheet Recognition: Lessees must recognize a right-of-use asset and a lease liability for most lease contracts.
  • Lease Liability Measurement: Initially measured at the present value of lease payments, subsequently adjusted for interest and lease payments.
  • Right-of-Use Asset: Measured at cost, comprising the lease liability amount, initial direct costs, and restoration costs, less any lease incentives received.
  • Exemptions: Short-term leases (12 months or less) and leases of low-value assets are exempt from balance sheet recognition.
  • Impact on Financial Ratios: Changes to financial ratios, such as debt-to-equity and EBITDA, as operating leases are brought onto the balance sheet.

History and Applicability: IFRS 16 was developed in response to concerns that off-balance-sheet lease financing was not transparent and comparable across companies. It affects all entities that report under IFRS and engage in leasing transactions, including public companies, private companies, and non-profit organizations.

General Features of IFS Cloud

IFS Cloud is renowned for its comprehensive and integrated approach to enterprise resource planning (ERP). This modern solution offers a vast array of features designed to support various business processes, from asset management to human resources, finance, and beyond. Key features include:

  • Unified Platform: Integrates various business functions into a single platform, enhancing data consistency and reducing silos.
  • Scalability: Adapts to businesses of all sizes, from small enterprises to large corporations.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Offers an intuitive and customizable user experience.
  • Real-Time Data: Provides real-time analytics and insights, helping businesses make informed decisions.
  • Cloud-Based: Ensures accessibility from anywhere, promoting remote work and collaboration.
  • Compliance and Security: Adheres to global compliance standards and incorporates advanced security measures to protect sensitive data.

Lease Accounting and IFRS 16 Compliance in IFS Cloud

IFS Cloud’s lease accounting module is designed to help businesses comply with IFRS 16, which requires the recognition of lease assets and liabilities on the balance sheet. Here’s how IFS Cloud supports these requirements:

  1. Contract Management:
    • IFS Cloud allows users to enter and manage contract information easily. This includes the type of lease, the start and end dates, the currency, and the status of the contract.
    • It supports multi-currency and multi-company scenarios, making it suitable for global operations.
  2. Asset and Liability Recognition:
    • The system ensures that operating leases are no longer just recognized as expenses on the income statement but as assets and liabilities on the balance sheet.
    • IFS Cloud handles the recognition of lease contracts, managing the valuation of lease liabilities and right-of-use assets with detailed amortization schedules.
  3. Transaction Management:
    • The module automates the generation of necessary transactions, including depreciation, interest, and lease expenses.
    • Users can create amortization schedules directly within the contract management interface, ensuring that all lease payments, interest expenses, and present values are calculated and recorded accurately.
  4. Reporting and Disclosures:
    • IFS Cloud provides comprehensive reporting capabilities to meet all disclosure requirements under IFRS 16.
    • It includes pre-defined inquiries and reports that give full visibility into lease transactions, debits, and credits, allowing users to drill down into the details of each transaction.
  5. Amortization and Vouchers:
    • The system generates amortization schedules and vouchers automatically, reducing the need for manual calculations and journal entries.
    • Users can modify amortization schedules as needed, and all changes are reflected in subsequent transactions.
  6. Compliance and Automation:
    • The lease accounting functionality in IFS Cloud ensures compliance with both IFRS and US GAAP.
    • The solution automates the entire process, from initial contract recognition to periodic accounting transactions, simplifying the management of lease accounting.


IFS Cloud’s lease accounting module offers a comprehensive and automated solution for managing lease contracts in compliance with IFRS 16. By integrating lease accounting into a unified ERP platform, businesses can streamline their financial processes, ensure compliance, and gain better visibility into their lease obligations. This makes IFS Cloud an invaluable tool for organizations looking to enhance their financial management capabilities in the ever-evolving landscape of global accounting standards.

Transforming Project Industries with IFS Cloud

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, project industries face unique challenges that necessitate robust and adaptive software solutions. Industries such as construction, engineering, manufacturing, and professional services demand software that can handle complex project lifecycles, manage resources efficiently, and ensure financial accuracy. IFS Cloud stands out as a comprehensive solution tailored to meet these needs, offering a suite of tools that streamline project management, enhance financial oversight, and improve overall project delivery.

ifs cloud project industries

Understanding Industry Needs

Project-driven industries require software that can adapt to various project types and scales. Key needs include:

  1. Comprehensive Project Management: Ability to plan, execute, and monitor projects from inception to completion.
  2. Resource Management: Efficient allocation and utilization of resources, including workforce, materials, and equipment.
  3. Financial Management: Accurate budgeting, forecasting, and financial tracking to ensure profitability and compliance.
  4. Scalability and Flexibility: Solutions that can scale with business growth and adapt to changing project requirements.
  5. Collaboration and Communication: Tools that facilitate seamless communication among project stakeholders, enhancing collaboration and decision-making.

What IFS Cloud Offers

IFS Cloud is designed to address these needs with a range of features and capabilities. Here’s a detailed look at how IFS Cloud supports project industries:

1. Project Management

IFS Cloud offers a robust project management module that covers all aspects of project lifecycle management. Key features include:

  • Gantt Chart Improvements: Enhanced usability with new command icons, improved color-coding for project elements, and advanced functionality for managing project phases and timelines. Users can now easily toggle legend items, multi-select dependencies, and configure time scales​​​​.
  • Schedule of Work Module: This new module, tailored for construction and similar industries, integrates seamlessly with IFS Cloud to manage bills of quantities, work scopes, and project estimates. It simplifies workflow and enhances project planning accuracy​​.
  • Resource Management Enhancements: New capabilities for setting default values, managing resource groups, and establishing resource connections across multiple companies and sites. This ensures optimal resource allocation and utilization throughout the project lifecycle​​.

2. Financial Management

Accurate financial management is critical for project success. IFS Cloud’s financial module offers:

  • Revenue Recognition Enhancements: Event-based revenue recognition methods allow for precise tracking of revenue and costs associated with project milestones. This includes the ability to update percentage completions, post actual and recognized revenue differences, and comply with IFRS 15 standards​​​​.
  • Project Financials: Enhanced tools for defining costs and revenues for performance obligations, managing inventory as project costs, and executing revenue recognition on a project-by-project basis. This ensures financial transparency and control across all projects​​​​.

3. Collaboration and User Experience

IFS Cloud enhances user experience and collaboration with several new features:

  • Improved User Interface: The new Gantt client is feature-rich, offering better usability and user experience. Users can now interact with the Gantt chart more effectively, making project planning and management more intuitive​​​​.
  • Enhanced Communication Tools: Built-in collaboration tools facilitate better communication among project teams and stakeholders, ensuring everyone stays aligned and informed throughout the project lifecycle.

4. Scalability and Flexibility

IFS Cloud is designed to scale with your business, offering flexible deployment options and regular updates:

  • Evergreen Solution: IFS Cloud is an evergreen solution with bi-annual major releases and monthly service updates. This ensures your software stays current with the latest features and improvements without the need for disruptive upgrades​​.
  • Flexible Deployment: Choose from on-premise, IFS-managed cloud, or third-party hosted deployments. This flexibility allows businesses to select the deployment model that best suits their needs and IT infrastructure​​.

New Features in IFS Cloud

IFS Cloud continues to innovate, adding new features that enhance its capabilities:

  • Multi-Company Project Management: Expanded capabilities for managing projects across multiple companies and sites, simplifying complex project structures and ensuring consistent management practices​​.
  • Advanced Scheduling Tools: New scheduling tools and baseline management features improve project planning accuracy and control​​​​.
  • Enhanced Financial Controls: New financial control types and posting rules improve financial management and compliance, ensuring accurate and transparent financial reporting​​​​.


IFS Cloud offers a comprehensive, flexible, and scalable solution for project industries, addressing their unique challenges and needs. With its robust project management tools, advanced financial features, and enhanced user experience, IFS Cloud empowers businesses to deliver successful projects, drive efficiency, and achieve financial accuracy. By continuously innovating and adding new features, IFS Cloud remains at the forefront of project management software, ready to meet the evolving demands of project-driven industries.


With over 20 years of professional expertise in the IT software industry, including an impressive 19-year tenure in a managerial position at IFS Turkey, Göksel Sanbay brings a wealth of experience to the table. Throughout his career, he has successfully managed dozens of hands-on ERP, EAM, and ESM projects, leaving a trail of satisfied clients and successful implementations.

Notably, he has also excelled as a solution architect, leaving his mark on various reference IFS projects. His passion for innovation and driving efficiency has led him to embark on a new journey. In July 2022, he founded GUMA Business Solutions, a dynamic consulting company exclusively dedicated to crafting cutting-edge business software solutions, with a specialization in IFS Applications.

At GUMA, we thrive on challenges and aspire to take businesses to new heights through tailor-made software solutions that streamline operations, boost productivity, and empower growth.

Efficient Financial Consolidation for Multinational Corporations with IFS Cloud

The Need for Financial Consolidation

Financial consolidation is a critical process for companies, especially those operating globally with multiple subsidiaries. It involves aggregating financial data from various departments or entities within an organization to create a unified set of financial statements. This process ensures accurate reporting and compliance with regulatory requirements.

Why is Financial Consolidation Important?

  1. Regulatory Compliance: Multinational corporations must comply with different accounting standards and regulations, such as IFRS and US GAAP. Consolidation ensures these standards are met uniformly across all subsidiaries.
  2. Accurate Financial Reporting: Consolidation eliminates discrepancies and provides a clear financial picture, essential for stakeholders’ decision-making.
  3. Efficiency: Streamlining financial data from various entities into a single report reduces the time and effort required for reporting.
  4. Transparency: Consolidated financial statements provide a comprehensive view of the organization’s financial health, enhancing transparency and trust among investors and regulators.
  5. Strategic Planning: Accurate and timely consolidated reports are crucial for strategic planning and performance assessment across different business units.

Benefits of IFS Cloud for Financial Consolidation

IFS Cloud offers a comprehensive solution for financial consolidation, addressing the needs of complex, global organizations. Here are some key benefits and functionalities:

Key Functionalities of IFS Cloud

  1. Integrated Consolidation Tool:
    • Multi-company and Multi-currency Support: IFS Cloud can handle consolidations across different countries and currencies, providing a unified financial view. This is crucial for multinational corporations with diverse operations.
    • Chart of Accounts Mapping: IFS Cloud supports different charts of accounts and enables mapping to a common structure, ensuring consistency in financial reporting.
  2. Flexible Reporting Structures:
    • Multiple Reporting Entities: The system allows the creation of various reporting entities and structures, such as subgroups that can be consolidated into a master group. This flexibility supports complex organizational hierarchies.
    • Segment Reporting: Companies can report on different segments, such as divisions within subsidiaries, providing detailed insights into each part of the business.
  3. Automated Processes:
    • Ownership and Intercompany Elimination: IFS Cloud automates the elimination of intercompany transactions and ownership, ensuring accurate consolidation without manual intervention.
    • Consolidation Methods: The tool supports various consolidation methods, including equity method and proportional consolidation, catering to different ownership structures and reporting needs.
  4. Detailed Analysis and Reporting:
    • Drill-down Capabilities: Users can drill down into detailed transaction levels, understanding the contributions of individual entities to the consolidated figures.
    • Predefined and Custom Reports: IFS Cloud provides a range of predefined reports and the ability to create custom reports, offering comprehensive analysis and insights.
  5. Enhanced Data Management:
    • Parallel Currency Support: IFS Cloud supports transactions in multiple currencies, enabling accurate reporting in both functional and parallel currencies.
    • Full Traceability and Security: The system offers detailed traceability for all transactions and changes, enhancing data integrity and security.

Benefits of Using IFS Cloud for Consolidation

  1. Compliance and Accuracy:
    • Regulatory Compliance: IFS Cloud ensures compliance with international accounting standards, reducing the risk of regulatory penalties.
    • Accurate Financial Data: The automated consolidation processes minimize errors, providing accurate and reliable financial statements.
  2. Efficiency and Productivity:
    • Streamlined Processes: By automating complex consolidation tasks, IFS Cloud significantly reduces the time and effort required for financial reporting.
    • Real-time Data Access: Users have real-time access to consolidated financial data, facilitating timely decision-making.
  3. Scalability and Flexibility:
    • Adaptability to Growth: IFS Cloud can scale with the organization, handling increasing volumes of data and more complex reporting structures as the business grows.
    • Flexible Reporting: The system’s ability to handle different reporting structures and methods ensures it can adapt to the unique needs of any organization.
  4. Strategic Insights:
    • Comprehensive Analysis: With detailed drill-down capabilities and extensive reporting options, IFS Cloud provides deep insights into financial performance, aiding strategic planning.
    • Enhanced Transparency: Consolidated financial statements offer a transparent view of the organization’s overall financial health, building trust with stakeholders.


IFS Cloud provides a powerful and flexible solution for financial consolidation, essential for modern, global businesses. By automating and streamlining the consolidation process, it ensures compliance, accuracy, and efficiency, while providing deep insights into financial performance. This comprehensive tool supports complex organizational needs, making it an invaluable asset for any company aiming to maintain transparency and make informed strategic decisions.

How IFS Cloud Can Benefit Companies in IFRS and US GAAP Reporting

Understanding IFRS and US GAAP Reporting Standards

What are IFRS and US GAAP?

  • IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards): Developed by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), IFRS is a set of global accounting standards for financial reporting. IFRS aims to bring transparency, accountability, and efficiency to financial markets around the world.
  • US GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles): These standards are used by U.S. companies and are established by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). US GAAP provides guidelines on how financial statements should be prepared and presented in the United States.

Why Do These Standards Exist? Both IFRS and US GAAP are designed to ensure consistency, reliability, and comparability of financial statements. They help investors, regulators, and other stakeholders make informed decisions by providing a clear and consistent framework for financial reporting.

Who Needs These Reporting Standards?

  • Public Companies: Listed companies must adhere to these standards to ensure transparency for investors.
  • Multinational Corporations: Companies operating in multiple countries use these standards to streamline reporting across different jurisdictions.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Many countries mandate the use of IFRS or US GAAP for financial reporting to maintain regulatory compliance.

How IFS Cloud Benefits Companies in IFRS and US GAAP Reporting

Key Functionalities of IFS Cloud IFS Cloud offers robust functionalities that support both IFRS and US GAAP reporting requirements. Here’s how it helps:

  1. Lease Accounting Compliance:
    • IFRS 16 and ASC 842 Compliance: IFS Cloud provides comprehensive support for lease accounting under IFRS 16 and ASC 842. This includes the ability to recognize leases as assets and liabilities on the balance sheet, manage lease contracts, and automate depreciation and interest calculations.
    • Automated Amortization Schedules: The system generates amortization schedules for right-of-use assets, ensuring accurate and timely recognition of lease expenses.
  2. Multi-currency and Multi-company Support:
    • Global Operations: IFS Cloud supports multi-currency transactions and multi-company operations, essential for multinational corporations. This ensures financial statements are accurate and compliant across different regions.
  3. Contract Management:
    • Centralized Contract Repository: IFS Cloud allows companies to maintain a centralized repository for all lease contracts, facilitating easy access and management.
    • Terms and Conditions Management: Users can define and manage the terms and conditions of each contract, including payment schedules, interest rates, and other critical details.
  4. General Ledger Integration:
    • Automated Journal Entries: IFS Cloud automates the generation of journal entries for lease transactions, reducing the risk of manual errors and ensuring compliance with accounting standards.
    • Detailed Voucher Information: The system provides detailed voucher information for all transactions, enhancing transparency and auditability.
  5. Comprehensive Reporting and Disclosure:
    • Standard and Custom Reports: IFS Cloud offers a range of standard reports and the flexibility to create custom reports, ensuring all required disclosures are met.
    • Real-time Data Access: With real-time access to financial data, companies can quickly generate reports and respond to stakeholder inquiries.

Benefits of Using IFS Cloud for IFRS and US GAAP Reporting

  1. Enhanced Compliance:
    • Legal Mandates: IFS Cloud helps companies stay compliant with legal mandates for financial reporting, such as those imposed by IFRS 16 and ASC 842.
    • Accurate Financial Statements: The automated features reduce the likelihood of errors, ensuring that financial statements are accurate and reliable.
  2. Efficiency and Productivity:
    • Automation: By automating complex calculations and journal entries, IFS Cloud significantly reduces the time and effort required for financial reporting.
    • Streamlined Processes: The integrated system streamlines financial processes, from contract management to general ledger postings, improving overall efficiency.
  3. Improved Decision-Making:
    • Real-time Insights: Access to real-time financial data and comprehensive reports enables better decision-making and strategic planning.
    • Transparency: Enhanced transparency in financial reporting builds trust with investors and stakeholders.
  4. Scalability:
    • Adaptability to Growth: IFS Cloud is scalable to accommodate the growing needs of a business, making it suitable for companies of all sizes and industries.

In conclusion, IFS Cloud provides a comprehensive solution for companies looking to comply with IFRS and US GAAP reporting standards. Its robust functionalities, automation capabilities, and real-time insights ensure accurate, efficient, and compliant financial reporting. This not only enhances regulatory compliance but also supports better business decision-making and growth.