Material Requirements Planning (MRP) has long been a fundamental component in manufacturing and production planning. Traditionally, MRP systems calculate the quantities and schedule of raw material purchases, providing a structured approach to streamline manufacturing processes.


The Rise of Demand Driven MRP (DDMRP)

Transitioning from traditional systems reliant on forecast-driven planning, Demand Driven MRP (DDMRP) represents a significant evolution. DDMRP integrates principles from both traditional MRP and Lean manufacturing to enhance responsiveness to market demands. It focuses on strategically placed inventory buffers within the supply chain to manage variability and enhance efficiency, moving away from speculative forecasting towards real consumption data.

Key Components and Functionality of DDMRP

  1. Strategic Inventory Positioning: Identifying strategic locations for inventory buffers, known as decoupling points, helps manage material flow and mitigate variability.
  2. Buffer Profiles and Levels: Buffer profiles dynamically adjust inventory levels based on lead time, supply variability, and demand variability.
  3. Dynamic Adjustments: These adjustments include planned changes based on market or supply conditions, demand-driven responses to actual consumption, and decoupled explosions that propagate changes across the buffer network.
  4. Demand-Driven Planning: This approach uses actual demand signals to drive decisions, reducing the bullwhip effect associated with traditional MRP systems.
  5. Visible and Collaborative Execution: Emphasizing visibility and collaboration, DDMRP fosters a synchronized approach to supply chain management.

IFS Cloud’s DDMRP Solution

IFS Cloud features a robust DDMRP solution that transforms traditional MRP systems by adopting demand-driven approaches. It aims to improve responsiveness, minimize reliance on forecasts, and seamlessly integrate with normal MRP processes.

Benefits of IFS’s DDMRP Solution:

  • Strategic Inventory Management: By managing inventory through strategic buffers, IFS DDMRP reduces lead times and improves service levels.
  • Enhanced Supply Chain Visibility: Tools provided by IFS enhance visibility, crucial for tracking buffer status and making informed decisions.
  • Reduction in Lead Times and Improved Responsiveness: Focusing on actual demand allows for quicker response to market changes.
  • Adaptability to Market Variability: The system adapts to market changes, accommodating short product life cycles and varied product assortments.


The shift from traditional MRP to DDMRP marks a movement towards more agile and responsive manufacturing and supply chain operations. IFS Cloud supports this transition with a DDMRP solution that not only drives operational excellence but also fosters business growth by aligning inventory management with actual market needs. This strategic approach helps companies maintain a competitive edge in today’s dynamic market environments.


With over 20 years of professional expertise in the IT software industry, including an impressive 19-year tenure in a managerial position at IFS Turkey, Göksel Sanbay brings a wealth of experience to the table. Throughout his career, he has successfully managed dozens of hands-on ERP, EAM, and ESM projects, leaving a trail of satisfied clients and successful implementations.

Notably, he has also excelled as a solution architect, leaving his mark on various reference IFS projects. His passion for innovation and driving efficiency has led him to embark on a new journey. In July 2022, he founded GUMA Business Solutions, a dynamic consulting company exclusively dedicated to crafting cutting-edge business software solutions, with a specialization in IFS Applications.

At GUMA, we thrive on challenges and aspire to take businesses to new heights through tailor-made software solutions that streamline operations, boost productivity, and empower growth

Posted in Guma Articles.

Posted in Guma Articles.